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I was exhausted from the past few days, Barry was acting a bit odd but he didn't feel like talking about it. We both definitely had our hands filled with Metahumans and regular criminals attacking left and right, Wells helping Barry and I to get faster but that didn't stop the suspicions Barry and I had about Wells. Barry and I had spent a lot of time together recently; after discovering that Wells was the culprit behind both Dean's and Barry's mothers murder we have not been able to think straight. We didn't know who to trust anymore; we weren't sure if Caitlin or Cisco were involved and we didn't want them to know that we were suspicious of them. Since we learned this information, we revealed our secret identities to Detective Eddie Thawne in order to get his help with protecting Iris after the Reverse Flash threatened her life. Since then it has been a lot easier to move around the city without worrying that the police would shoot at us like we were the criminals. I was heading to the lab at the CCPD when I heard a muffled pair of voices in the hallway. One was definitely Barry's but the other was a familiar woman's. I poked my head in seeing a small girl with blonde hair tied back into a tight ponytail and wore glasses. Barry noticed me moving in the room and the girl turned around to look at me. "Ah Lexxy...this is..."

"Felicity Smoak..." I answered cutting Barry off which seemed to shock him that I knew who she was and all I could do was give her a small smile. 


I couldn't believe my ears; Lexxy knew who Felicity was and I just stood there in complete shock.

"Been a long time bolt..." Felicity replied my eyes flicked to her and then back onto Lexxy who had a harden expression on her face.

"Too long wizard..." Lexxy answered a few seconds there hard expressions changed to laughter and they pulled each other into a small hug. I was definitely confused seeing them to act the way they were.

"You two know each other?" I asked seeing both Lexxy and Felicity looking at us with confusion on both on their faces.

"Of course...I worked with Felicity and Oliver before moving here." Lexxy answered I was taken back by hearing Oliver's name come from Lexxy's lips.

"You know Oliver Queen?" I wondered seeing Lexxy's gaze hardened for a second almost like she said something she wasn't supposed to say.

"Of course she knows Oliver...he trained her to be who she is today." Felicity smiled looking at Lexxy and I seeing the look on the both of our expressions. By the looks on both of our faces it told her that neither one of us knew something. "I thought you both knew..."

"I didn't know that Barry knew about Ollie..." Lexxy replied looking over at me with surprised look plastered onto her face.

"I didn't know that you knew Oliver was the Arrow..." I answered Felicity moved a small step back to leave Lexxy and I to talk about the confusion.

"When did you find out about Ollie?" Lexxy asked me I only heard a few people call Oliver Ollie; that was his sister, Laurel and Felicity.

"I was in Starling working a case for the CCPD when Felicity sort of kidnapped me in order to save Oliver's life. I saw him dressed as The Arrow...then the accident happened and then when I discovered my speed he gave me advice. He told me to be the hero and I did." I explained Lexxy seemed surprised, I mean I was in a coma for nearly nine months while she was in one for only three months. So the whole time I was unconscious she was being trained by Oliver and it had to be the reason why Lexxy came to Central City. Oliver must've told her that there was a known speedster in Central City; Lexxy must've thought that I was the Man in Yellow but when she discovered that there was not just one speedster but two that is how our story began.  

"Look I hate to interrupt this...but I came here because I needed both of your help with something." Felicity smiled innocently both Lexxy and I looked over at her and then back to us before agreeing. Felicity told us that she will meet us at S.T.A.R. Labs and we both used our speed to get there quickly. Lexxy remained off to the side while I told the others about Felicity's surprise arrival. Felicity entered the Cortex looking a bit winded like she ran here but wearing heels would wind anyone. "Hey all...would you guys mind coming outside with me?" Everyone was confused but we all followed outside until Felicity stopped staring at the sky like she was waiting for something. Lexxy was standing next to her while I leaned against the stair railing with Cisco with my hands stuffed into my pockets and everyone else was staring at the sky.

 Lexxy was standing next to her while I leaned against the stair railing with Cisco with my hands stuffed into my pockets and everyone else was staring at the sky

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"So what are we waiting for Miss. Smoak?" Dr. Wells asked before she could answer the sound of a mechanical whirling heading in our direction. Above us was a small outline of a person heading in our direction.

"Is that a bird?" Caitlin asked then Cisco moved up next to her trying to be protective over her but he was also confused on what was above us.

"No I think it's a plane." Cisco added I moved towards Lexxy just in case when we saw the figure landed before us. They stood nearly six feet, the figure shook the bits of debris that landed on them and then looked up at us.

"It's actually my boyfriend." Felicity answered with a bit smile on her face as the metal figure looked back up at us; he removed his helmet revealing his dark haired and big smile.

"Hi...I'm Ray." He smiled waving at us, Lexxy and I both looked at one another and then back at him.

" He smiled waving at us, Lexxy and I both looked at one another and then back at him

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~~And here comes the lovable but sometimes annoying Ray Palmer~~

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