Stone Cold

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Draco to Harry:

Draco: Stone cold, stone cold

Harry: What's stone cold? Who's stone cold? Oh yeah right, your soul.

Draco: You see me standing, but I'm dying on the floor

Harry: I wish you were dying on the floor!

Draco: Stone cold, stone cold

Harry: Just like your soul?

Draco: Maybe if I don't cry, I won't feel anymore

Harry: You cry? You always made fun of Ginny for it.

Draco: Stone cold, baby. God knows I tried to feel happy for you.

Harry: You'll never be happy for me. You're Draco Malfoy, my biggest bully.

Draco: Know that I am, even if I can't understand, I'll take the pain.

Harry: Draco Malfoy can understand feelings? He's not a robot? F**k, I owe Ron 20 dollars.

Draco: Give me the truth, me and my heart, we'll make it through.

Harry: WTF?!?!

Draco: If happy is her, I'm happy for you.

Harry: How do you feel?

Draco: Stone cold, stone cold

Harry: Knew it

Draco: You're dancing with her, while I'm staring at my phone

Harry: Are you gay?

Draco: Stone cold, stone cold

Harry: So according to you there's a new sexuality called stone cold? Okay then.

Draco: I was your amber, but now she's your shade of gold

Harry: Wtf Malfoy you think I know what that's referencing?

Draco: Stone cold, baby

Harry: According to you everything is stone cold.

Draco: God knows I tried to feel happy for you.

Harry: Nobody knows. Face the facts.

Draco: Know that I am, even if I can't understand, I'll take the pain. Give me the truth, me and my heart we'll make it through. If happy is her, I'm happy for you

Harry: Since when were you ever happy?

Draco: Don't wanna be stone cold, stone

Harry: well you are so 2 bad

Draco: I wish I could mean this but here's my goodbye. Oh, I'm happy for you!

Harry: You are? XD lol no. Nice sarcasm Malfoy.

Draco: Know that I am, even if I can't understand. If happy is her, if happy is her, I'm happy for you

Harry: Happy is seeing you die. Wait do you like me? If so, die in a hole!

Draco: I'm hurt.

Harry: It's true!

Draco: That entire thing was a lyric prank, Potter, don't be too confident in yourself. I hate your guts.

Harry: Same!

Draco: Why tf am I texting you?

Harry: Cuz I sent u a vid of the Teletubbies cuz I was bored? They're creepy asf!

Draco: F**k, they are. I got my revenge!

Harry: I'm showing you more Teletubbies!

Draco: My father will hear about this.

Harry has left to torment Draco with the Teletubbies.

Draco has left to tell his father about this.

Harry Potter Lyric PranksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora