Part 4

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You were running to the restaurant. You were late for your date. You forgot about it until Taehyung reminded you. You had to put some random clothes and hurried make up on.

You finally made it to the front, you were trying to catch your breath when someone bumped into you.

"Yuna?" Jungkook was beside you also trying to catch his breath.

He smiled when he saw a bead of sweat drip down your fore head.

"I guess you're late too." He chuckled. You smiled with him.

"Shall we." He opened the door for you to walk through. You eyed what he was wearing. It was casual but nice, he looked very handsome, you knew you couldn't deny that.

"You look nice." You complimented.

Jungkook frowned, "Isn't the guy meant to say that first." You laughed at his childlike whine.

"Anyway, you look nice too." He smiled. He eyed you slightly. He felt awkward because he felt overdressed. He looked at the grey track pants you were wearing and the striped shirt your wore. Your hair was done in a messy but stylish bun. You wearing were comfortable black slip ons.

"I know that I don't," you sighed. "I slept in." You lied.

"Till 2 in the afternoon?" He laughed.

"Yeah, naps are great." You lied again.

He burst out laughing, "You're so cute." He wiped a non existent tear from his eye.

You just smiled shyly at him.


The date was actually very nice to you. We both laughed and talked quite comfortably with each other. You actually enjoyed this for once.


"I'll walk you home?" Jungkook suggested.

You were about to agree when you realised that your house was a mansion.

"Umm, sure but I need to make a call first." You walked to the woman's bathroom and dialled Taehyung's number.

"Yuna? What's wrong?" Taehyung's was heard.

"Jungkook wants to walk me home... what do I do?" You tapped your foot, hoping that Jungkook isn't getting impatient or suspicious of her.

"I knew this would happen, okay, go to ******** address and the key in under the mat, I had this address ready for exactly this moment."

You wrote the address down and said your goodbyes to Taehyung.

"I love you, bye!" You said cheerfully.


"Sorry for keeping you waiting Jungkook." You smiled.

"That's okay, I was worried that you were sick." He gave me a worried smile.

"Lets go shall we!" You cheered.


The walk to the apartment, Taehyung gave you, was silent. You didn't say a word and Jungkook just whistled.

You glanced at him, his eyes were wandering the streets, like he was examining every inch of the place.

"A picture lasts longer you know." He made eye contacts with you.

You slightly cringed at how cheesy what he said.

"A little cliche isn't it?" You chucked.

He looked down, you could see his cheeks were going pink.

"Sorry, I was just kidding!!" You quickly held onto his arm but quickly let go when he flinched at your touch.

Geez, why is he so touchy. You thought.

He just looked down and kept walking. You did the same thing.

"We're here." You finally said stopping in front of a small house.

Jungkook turned to you and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Thank you for walking me..." You said when you knew he wasn't going to say anything.

Jungkook looked up slightly and made eye contact with you for only a few seconds.

"Your welcome." He smiled slightly.

"Do you want to come in?" You gestured to the door.

Jungkook widened his eyes slightly and looked at you.

"No that's okay, today was nice, we should do it again some time, bye." He said quickly and sped walked away.

"Wtf just happened?" You just stood there dumbfounded. You seriously thought you were getting somewhere with this guy but he's just too hard to get at.

You took out your phone to call Tae.

"Hello, how did it go?" Taehyung voice greeted you.

"Well I thought we were getting somewhere but, he's just a hard nut to crack." You sighed.

"I was wondering why you were calling me so early." Taehyung sounded a little disappointed.

"Sorry, not my fault. Anyway pick me up, I can't be bothered to call a cab."

All you heard was Taehyung sigh and the sound of his keys jingling.

"I'll be there in a few."

It was the first time Taehyung sounded annoyed with you. You were worried how this plan was going to turn out....

(A/n) haiii I'm back again back again back again (sorry 😂😏) i feel like I've gotten better at writing maybe! Idek.

I learnt today that HISTORY was disbanding TT, I legit cried. It's so sad, I miss them already. Hope everyone has been well! ^^ xx

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