Part 11

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"Let's call this off." Taehyung bluntly said.

Your eyes widened. "What why?"

"It's taking too long."

"But we're starting to get progress." You tried reasoning with him.

"Didn't you want to settle down?" Taehyung snapped back.

"But-" You paused, wondering why you're fighting back so strongly.

"What? Do you like him? Why are you flaunting yourself at him all the time."

Anger started to set in your body.

"Are you kidding me? I've done this because you've told me to. Don't try to make out to be some sort of slut." You raised your voice slightly.

"Then why do you always look so happy when you're with him but you're just depressed around me?" Taehyung shot back.

"Because he's actually nice! He treats me better than you." You snapped.

His eyes widened in anger. "I've done everything for you, for our future, fo-"

"Out future my ass, you just want to gain more and more money." You pointed out.

"You were in for it at the beginning too, both of our families wer-"

"Were poor I know," you rolled your eyes. "And we promised to get revenge for the rich asses who flaunt their money about and refuse to give it to the people who need more, yeah i know that part too, but don't you see we're becoming like them, you're becoming like them." You almost let out a whisper at the end, choking on a sob that was caught in your throat.

Taehyungs eyes softened more at you.

"I promise this is the last one." He tried comforting you but your pushed him away.

"You said that last time... and the before that." You looked down, not wanting to look at him.

"I can give you anything, anything to make you happy." Taehyung pleaded.

I want Jungkook. You subconsciously thought.

"Just leave okay." You looked away.

"Just get the job done quickly then..." he snapped quietly.

You walked him to the door. Awkward silence stepped in. You didn't want to look or even talk to him.

"I'll see you later then..." he spiked twisting your front door open. You just nodded. You looked up and saw Jungkook. Standing at your door, about to knock on it. Taehyungs and your eyes widened.

Jungkooks eyes looked back and forth to you and Taehyung.

"H-hi Yuna.... who's this?" He stepped in a bit confused.


"I'm her ex boyfriend." Taehyung let out, pushing past Jungkook. You weren't sure if it was apart of an act or he was genuinely annoyed.

"Bye." You let out quietly. Looking down at the floor.

"That's your ex?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow closing the door.

"Y-yeah." You felt weird referring to Taehyung as your ex.

"And why was he here?" Jungkook suddenly felt paranoid. Different reasons went racing through his head, every possible answer you could give him.

"I'm still in love with him!"

"He asked me to marry him!"

"I'm carrying his child."

"I cheated on you with him *^^*"

His eyes widened at the thought, suddenly feeling light headed.

"Did you hear me?" You spoke.

His snapped his focus back you, realising that he blanked out for a moment.

"Sorry what?" He popped.

You chuckled slightly. "I said he just came around to say hi and annoy me." You puffed. Speaking the truth.

"Oh, what happened, are you okay?" Jungkook immediately looked at you with concern and worry.

You nodded. You bit at your lip, trying to fight back the tears that were begging to fall. You felt arms pull you into their warm embrace. The tears fell within seconds.

You sobbed into Jungkooks sweater. Trying to calm yourself before getting too out of hand. He moved you to the couch while still holding onto you.

When both of you were sitting down, he pulled you closer to his chest. You breathed in his scent without thinking, letting yourself be calmed by it.

Jungkooks hand rubbed your shoulder blade in a circular motion soothing your sobs.

"I'm sorr-" you started as you pulled away slightly so you could see his face.

"Shh, its fine, you don't have to explain, just let me be here for you." He smiled, wiping your tears with his thumbs.

"Thank you." You let out as a shaky whisper. You smiled slightly, feeling warm and love in his arms as you laid back onto his chest.

You closed your eyes wishing the fights with Taehyung would just disappear.

(A/n) short update *^^*

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