Part 16

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"I have something to show you." Jungkook nudged you. He was concerned about your state, you seemed so dead inside. (Ha me too) You lacked energy, you lacked emotions(ha saaammee). You stayed in bed(bruh me toooo), never leaving unless needing to go to the toilet(or eating but saaammme okay I'll stop now...).

"Yuna, please tell me what's going on?" Jungkook held onto your hand as he tried getting your attention 

"I'm on my per-"

"Stop, I'm not stupid." He sternly said.

You avoided his gaze. Not wanting to talk. You felt like crap.

"It's almost like you're going through a breakup? Is it your ex from a few weeks ago?" Jungkook tried getting you to speak to him.

Your eyes watered at the thought of him. You turned away from him. Giving him a sign that you didn't want to talk about it.

"Yuna... did you cheat on me with him?" Jungkook questioned. He didn't even sound mad or upset.

Your eyes watered even more, guilt hitting you harder than a truck. You shook your head. I did worse.

"It's okay if you did, that guy obvious meant a lot to you, I understand, but you're with me now not him, you're with me." He hugged you with your back facing him.

"You're mine, I can protect you, he hurt you in some kind of way and you still had a few feelings for him." He kept talking. You closed your eyes, feeling like you're drowning in guilt.

"You don't have to feel bad anymore, I love you always and I can tell you love me." Jungkook finished with a kiss on the side of your cheek.

"I-I'm so sorry..." for hurting you so much, lying, deceiving you, you don't even realise it... "....I love you unconditionally, don't let anyone tell you otherwise." You cried.

He held you as you finally cried and let out all of your feelings. Jungkook smiled to himself, happy that you're letting out all the emotions.

"After this, I don't want you to cry over this guy again." He pulled you closer.

Your cries soon turned to little sobs to snores.

"Dayum girl, you fall asleep fast." Jungkook chuckled quietly to himself.

"Goodnight, Yuna." He snuggled his head in the crook of your neck.

Taehyung bursted into the room with a shotgun and shot Jungkook in the face like pow boom, and Yuna woke up like "wtf" and then Taehyung was like "You're mine, and now that Jungkooks dead, I can steal his money AND have you at the same time, works out wonderfully in the end." Taehyung then shot Yuna in the face yelling "SIKE, I want the moneyzz for myself ya hoe."

And Taehyung lives the rest of his life in a prison cell.... happily ever aaffffttteeerrrr.

The eeeennndddd~

The eeeennndddd~

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HA SIKE BITCHES. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (ignore that last part with the shotgun bit, everything else happened.)

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