Under the Eyes of the Empire

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The Lone Scout was the first ship to drop out of hyperspace, then approaching Coruscant in camouflage mode. Mike and Ahsoka had been taking off long after the 3 Siths, but was still first to arrive. Coruscant ground control did not detect him and he manually flew to the military space port. He steered the Lone Scout next to one of the VT-49s there. Lucky was with him and both got out and removed the cover plate of the hyperdrive, so that Mike could hook up the R2 MPU to the VT-49's data network. Mike had created a batch procedure, so that retrieving the RegID would even go a little faster and easier. They did the same with all other VT-49s on the space port. Having completed that task, Mike was flying all over the space port and eventually found a Lone Scout. Getting to the data network of the Lone Scout was a bit more difficult. A laser gun had to be taken out in order to get to a connector of the data network. This RegID got programmed into Mike's Lone Scout using the RegID patch. It took them roughly 3 hours, to do all that. It was necessary, because the RegIDs of the VT-49 and the Lone Scout were most likely on the list of searched vessels.

Afterwards Mike flew to the vicinity of the mint, releasing the modified surveillance drone there. The drone flew to the coordinates Mike had already given it last time and started surveilling the mint again. Next destination was Mike's apartment in the apartment tower. He approached the sleeping room window with the Lone Scout, then opening the loading door. Using the force he turned the handle on the inside, opening the sleeping room window and thus getting access to his apartment. As it was revealed to Ahsoka in one of her meditations, a surveillance camera had gotten installed over the entrance door, peering into the kitchen/living room area. Coruscant low enforcement had rented the apartment and put surveillance in, expecting Mike to come back eventually (and they were correct with their prediction). From a spot in the sleeping room where the camera could not see too, Mike used the force to disconnect the camera from the surveillance system. It was difficult, the connector was so small and he was not used to apply the force for fiddling work. Once disconnected from the system he connected the camera to a recorder and recorded the images of the empty flat. After that the recorder was connected to the surveillance system, mocking an empty flat. Mike knew, the surveillance system would throw an error message about a connection problem and a service administrator would check into it remotely from his service center. When the service administrator would see a correct picture of the camera then, he would most likely delete the error message and do nothing more. However, Ahsoka had predicted, that Coruscant law enforcement had installed more surveillance cameras in the building. All surveillance cameras could have been disabled by Mike the same, way, but with a number of error messages getting thrown, chances for the service administrator to send somebody over would rise. Thus Mike decided that they would have to use the window in the sleeping room to get in and out of the apartment. Cumbersome, but safe. Their conspiratorial operation base was ready that way.

Mike flew over to Sienar now. When flying closer to the surface, where Coruscant's heavy traffic was, he had to be very careful because others would not see them. Crashing with somebody would most likely screw all their plans. Mike opened himself to the force, so to identify problems and dangers before they would arise. The flight over to Sienar got a bit shaky, but they did not have any accident. Mike was excited, the airspeeder was still in the Sienar parking lot, and nobody had cared about it. Then Mike sat the Lone Scout on top of one of the Sienar buildings and took the light saber and his blaster. He put a hat and the ugly goggles on and instructed Lucky how to use the tractor beam. With the tractor beam Lucky had to put Mike down on the ground, in vicinity of the airspeeder. A guard from Sienar must have realized, that the airspeeder had been there for quite some time not getting moved, because Mike found a note on it that it had to get removed. First Mike was not so happy about it, but then he realized, that if the speeder had caught the attention of the empire they would have never put that note on it. They would have wanted the airspeeder to look as innocent as possible. Mike was very glad for the airspeeder, because it would really serve them, especially to get equipment. Things which were on his must have list were: one of the smallest camera systems of the galaxy, latest generation cloaking device and a portable DNA analyzer. It turned out, the cloaking device was beyond their budget and the only option Mike saw, was to withdraw money from his account. It might be locked, then it was all in vain, but in any case it would reveal him being on Coruscant and his current position to the empire. However, he did not see another option in order to continue with their plan. As such, he purchased a couple of empty credit cards and flew to the garage, his former place of employment. Flying by there, he opened himself to the force and realized, that surveillance cameras got installed, which in turn meant, that Ahsoka's ruse for Darth Vader had worked. He wondered, why they had not gotten stolen yet and the only explanation he had, was that imperial troops would be here quickly. Next he flew to a nearby parking lot, leaving the speeder there, then heading for the bank close to the garage. He removed the goggles and the hat and entered the bank. Obviously there were cameras. Mike accessed his account and it was not locked, what a happy surprise. He transferred all the credits to one of the credit cards, then quickly making his way out of there. That place would soon be filled with storm troopers. Putting his hat and goggles on again, he ran to the living place of a small crook he knew when working at the garage. In the rats hole of that crook he had the credits transferred from one card to the other for a pretty high fee. It was important, that there was no trace leading to him, when he purchased the cloaking device. Because he was not sure, if the banking system would store some serial number or whatever of the first credit card, he rather spent the money to have the credits transferred to another card. Coming out of the crooks place, he saw a gun ship further away, where the bank was. Immediately, he started to run towards the parking lot, when another gun ship dropped down from the upper levels and approached him. The force urged him to pull the trigger of the blaster and stop running. It was a good presentiment, because the gun ship stopped pretty much in front of him and two of a bunch of storm troopers jumped out. Somehow Mike must have caught their attention, probably he running had been ill fated. Now he raised the linen wrapped blaster towards the gun ship and released the trigger. The shot hit right into the storm troopers gathered inside of it. Turning on the light saber and moving it with the force, he also cut the two storm troopers who just got out in half. The few remaining storm troopers in the gun ship were about to get their blasters ready, when the force advised Mike to jump over into the gun ship. Mike never did a force enhanced jump, but it worked better than expected. It was exactly the right thing to do, because the gun ship fired its laser cannons at his last position. If he would have remained there, he would have exploded. Inside the gun ship he wielded the light saber almost instantly eliminating what remained of the crew. Again using the force he jumped back onto the level platform. Surprisingly, the gun ship steadily remained hoovering. He undressed one of the storm troopers and put his white armor on, deeming it a better disguise. Then he threw the naked storm trooper over into the voids of the underworld. Finally now, he ran for the speeder, getting the hell away from here.

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