Riko Sakurauchi x Male Reader

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(This story will be from both your POV and Riko's POV. Don't worry I will mark out when the POVs start and end!)

Riko's POV starts

(Y/N): And what are you holding in your hands then, young lady?

Oh no, (Y/N) spotted me buying that dōjin! What should I do now?!

Riko: It's nothing!

(Y/N): Don't lie to me, Riko-chan! You've bought one of those pointless dōjins again, haven't you?

Riko: They're not pointless! They're, uhh, educational!

Riko Sakurauchi, what are you saying?! Now (Y/N) will just find me weird...

(Y/N): Eh... Educational isn't really a right word to use with stuff like dōjins.

Riko: Well, at least I can get some form of feeling on how it is to be in love with dōjins.

Riko's POV ends

Your POV for the rest of the story

Oh, poor Riko-chan... Thinking that she knows everything about love just through dōjins. I feel bad about her, just the fact that she spends money on those pointless things that can be read in less than a day. But I know what can possibly cheer her up.

(Y/N): Hey Riko-chan?

Riko: Yes, (Y/N)-kun?

As she looked at me, I put her chin in my hand, and I try my best to have a seductive look on my face. Well, Riko started to blush anyway, so I guess I did it in the right way. But right after, she gave her own seductive look towards me, and, my god, that look surely can make any guy fall in love with her instantly. 

Riko: What's the matter, (Y/N)-kun? You blush a lot, hehe.

She still had her seductive eyes penetrated into my innocent eyes. I couldn't take it any more, so I kissed her. I still had her chin in my hand, while we kissed mouth to mouth. We then pulled away.

(Y/N): I love you, Riko.

Riko: I know, (Y/N)-kun, I know.

We kissed one more time before going to her house, up to her room, closed the door and, well, you probably can figure out the rest.

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