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I sat in the chair as my team got me together for tonight. My stylist placed accessories on me as my hairstylist Cassandra did my hair and Makeup. Tonight is the Premier of 'Love Story' the movie Keith and I made a while back. I was ready, I looked and felt good.

Ever since Tre and I talked at his house a few days ago it's like we have grown closer or maybe that's just what I think

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Ever since Tre and I talked at his house a few days ago it's like we have grown closer or maybe that's just what I think. And with my mamager being away things have been quieter and peaceful I've been happy

"Girl you look cute." Cassandra  smiled.

"Oh this old thing?" I smiled, twirling around as I laughed.
" well Thank you." I winked grabbing my matching clutch purse from the couch walking toward the door with a smile on my face.

I was truly in a good mood and feeling good nothing could ruin this for me.

"You look nice." Tre spoke, flashing a bright smile as he opened the door for me.

"Thank you, so do you."

"I try." He smiled adjusting his tie.

I sat in the suv with him sitting across from me as the driver pulled off. "You nervous?" He asked looking me in my eyes.

"A little." I said using my fingers showing the 'small' expression with my fingers.

"What?" I asked noticing how his eyes widen as he grabbed my hand.

"What the hell?" He said studying my nails.

"What?" I laughed.

"You a damn wolverine now what type of stuff is this do it hurt?" He asked looking at my white stiletto nails.

"No." I laughed pulling my hand back. "You looked so amazed like it was rocket science."

"My bad it's just I never seen nothing like this, y'all females are something else." He said, shaking his head.

The ride was silent for a while I glanced outside looking at the building we past by.

"Hey Tr- I laughed as he looked up after taking the pciture.

"Uh I thought I looked nice and wanted to take a picture." he confessed.

I laughed a bit before getting serious

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I laughed a bit before getting serious."Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, wasup?"

"Uh." I bit at my lip placing my hair behind my ear. "Can you come out here with me?"

"I am Zar. I am your bodyguard remember." He chuckled.

I glanced down at my feet "Nah, I mean as a date chaperone  whatever you wanna call it."

"Sure!  I- I mean if that's really what you want then coo I can do that for you." He smiled.

"Okay." I nodded.

Pulling around the corner, I could see the lights flashing from the distance. The closer we came toward the lights the more I could hear my name being called out. I looked to see some of the co-stars and producers standing on the red carpet posing for pictures.

"Let's do this." I smiled as Tre opened the door.

"Zariah!" A person behind the camera yelled out getting the attention Of the other paparazzi. I wrapped my small arm around Tre large muscular arm as we walked toward the red carpet.

Hearing my name being called from all over was a lot I didn't know where to look. I smiled a little at Tre as he released my arm from his stepping to the side as they tried to take more pictures of me.

I struck a couple of poses as cameras flashed. "Keith! Keith over here!" Different voices yelled out. I looked back to see Keith standing directly behind me placing his arm around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I asked faking a smile as they took more pictures of Keith and I.

"I'm sorry Zariah." He smiled.

"Not here. Not now!" I said  through gritted teeth walking away from Keith.

I quickly walked back toward Tre while Keith walked past mugging him.

"Zariah!" A woman behind the microphone smiled.

I signed a little frustrated from Keith as I walked toward the lady grabbing Tre's hand pulling him along with me.

"How are you doing today Zariah, you are looking very beautiful." The woman smiled placing the microphone toward me.

"Thank you very much and I'm doing great thanks."

"Who are you wearing tonight?"

"Honestly I don't know but there very great i let my stylist put it together and this is what she came up with and I'm very satisfied." I laughed.

"Great, great. How do you feel about the movie?"

"The movie is really great the concept is great, most of the people are great I'm blessed to be apart of something like this I really love it and I hope you see it also when it comes out for everyone else."

"I sure will. I can't help but notice you're with someone tonight, never seen or heard about him. Is this your boyfriend?" She smiled.

I looked up at Tre with a smile as he looked down at me. "We're just really good friends and for tonight he's my date." I told her giving her the first real smile of the night.

"Aww well that's sweet thank you for talking with us."

"No problem." I waved into the camera a little before walking away.Walking into the Theatre I found my name in the middle with a empty seat to my left and Keith to my left.

I pray the rest of the night goes well..

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I recently got a new job but when I can im gonna try to do better with updating my stories.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

What do you think is going to happen next?

Please excuse errors

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