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I walked slowly toward the door as someone knocked on it repeatedly. I unlocked the door to see my physical therapist.

"Good afternoon Mr.White, how are you today." Carmen my physical Trainer smiled.

"Im good you?"

"Im great, ready to get started?" She smiled as we walked into the family room.

I stood watching as she pulled  the massage table from the closet placing it in the middle of the floor.

"Alright you know what to do." She smiled patting the table. I made my way toward it sitting on top of the table.

"Your getting better." She smiled as she moved my leg.

"Im feeling better." I nodded

"I talked to your doctor he says once you feel 90% you wont need to wheelchair anymore."

"Take it i been stopped getting in that thing." I shrugged as she shook her head with a smile.

"Where's your friend?"

"My friend?"

"Yea, the girl who was here when I was here last time."

"Oh, thats my girl she's at work."

"Oh wow thought you two were only friends."

"We just made us offical last night.. Thats my baby now."

"Well Thats nice." She smiled pulling my leg.

"Ahh!" I yelled out feeling the pain shoot through my leg.

"Im sorry." She said quickly.

"Its okay gotta go through pain to get better."

"Thats true." She said as she began to rub gently on my leg. I felt my muscles loosen a bit the more she massaged my leg. She moved higher and higher before she tried to grab my man.

"Aye chill." I growled grabbing her wrist before she could feel it.

"Look keep it professional or leave I can find somebody else."

She rolled her eyes before I sat up placing my legs on the edge of the table.

"Hey baby." Zariah smiled kissing my cheek placing her purse on the couch.

"Hey baby how was work?"

"Ugh glad to be home."

"Hey Carmen." Z waved as Carmen faked a smile waving back.

I watched as Zariah took her red bottom heels off placing them to the side.

"So how's he doing today Carmen?"

"Really great we really been working him out." She giggled.

"Good I need my baby to be 100%" Zariah chuckled unbuttoning her jacket.

"Hey baby, our family is coming over for dinner so we gotta make sure everything good."


"Yes your mom and kai and Chris and my parents."


"Tre don't start now." She said before walking into the bedroom.

"Well Tre I guess I'll see you around." Carmen smiled as she packed her stuff up.

"Its Mr.White to you like you said earlier and you to touchy for me so I doubt you'll see me again. Have a nice day tho." I told her as she walked out the door mumbling to herself

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