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"Zariah get up you have a show to do in two hours and you in here sleep,get up!"

"10 more minutes." I mumbled turning by back toward her placing the cover over my head.

"10 more nothing,get up and get ready now Zari Im not playing with you not today."

"Whatever." I groaned sitting up I haven't been up twenty minutes yet and I'm already ready for this day to be over with.

Standing to my feet I made my way into the bathroom taking a quick shower  as my stylist placed my outfit and accessories on my bed.

"Zariah NaJai Ji-" 

"Ma chill im up." I sighed walking down the spiral staircase. 

"See you playing around stop being so unprofessional I dont know why you're like this do you not understand how blessed you are and ho-"

"How many girls would love to be where I  am." I said finishing her daily quote.

"yess ma I understand im very greatful its just I dont know if im happy anymore with this life.

" Zariah." she chuckled " You have everything you could ever ask what type of life do you want a regular life?" she chuckled.

"Yes,thats exactly what I want."

"Please, I been through that had that life and trust me this is better." she chuckled walking toward the car.

I grabbed a green apple from the fruit basket as I followed behind her walking toward the SUV.

"Good Morning Zariah."  my bodyguard Brian smiled as I entered the car.

"Good morning Brian wasup?" I smiled biting into the apple as the driver pulled off.

"Zariah when you get in here you know how to act and what to do right?"

"Ma are you serious im 20 not 2. I know what to do stop acting like this." I shook my head placing my Blue Gradient Raybans on.

"I've been okay." Brian shrugged looking down at the floor.

"What's the matter Brian? Is everything okay with your wife?"

"Thanks for asking, but honestly she's not doing so well the doc-" I grabbed his hand once I realized he was starting to choke up.

"The doctor says my wife doesn't have many much time left but that's just a man I believe in  god and I believe he will heal my wife, but if he wants to take her than its his will. I know ill see her again one day." He smiled.

I remained quiet nodding my head in agreement.

"I-I was wondering if I could have some time off just to be with my wife you know. This is hard on me so you must imagine how it is for her, and I wanna be with her as long and as much as I can."

"No im sorry about your wife and all but this is your job."  Ma said finally looking my up from her phone.

"Ma!" I yelled looking over at her.

"Im sorry Zariah but this is his job."

"Brian,take as much time as you need I will miss you you've been with me since day one." I told him giving him a tight lipped smile.

"Zariah!" ma yelled my name causing me to roll my eyes.

"Is he your bodyguard or mine?"

She remained quiet looking back down at her phone. "Brian if you need anything I mean anything please don't hesiste to call me alright." I smiled.

Riches to Rags (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now