Mischeif sarah

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I pull the car over and wait for Sarah to give me explanation! Sarah and Stef in the car driving to Stef apartment!

"Ok spill it! What the heck is going on?" I speak.

"Stef can we just leave it along?!" She speaks!

"Are you kidding me? No, we can't leave it alone! We just left your girlfriend at a bar with no explanation! Don't you think she is going to be pissed?" I yell, starting to get pissed off!

"I'm sure she is, especially when Julie gets ahold of her! Look Stef a lot has been going on in the last couple of weeks that I haven't told you about." She yelled back at me

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask, lowing my voice a little, for she sounds like she's on the verge of crying.

"Like what? Sarah just spit it out." I say getting a little anxious.

It has to be something horrible, for me to have to pull something out of someone who never shuts up.

"Well, me and Monte went to this swingers party a couple of weeks ago. And before you say anything it was her idea. She said she wanted to try it. And I was so worried about our relationship that I just said sure. I mean better to go with her then her sneaking away and cheating on me, right? Anyway, we went and the moment I stepped in there I knew it was a mistake. But she was a little too comfortable."

"Ok. But what does this have to do with Julie?" I say trying to put the story together.

"Well Julie was there! And she hit on Monte. They didn't see me and well I was just watching them. Sitting there watching my relationship crumble.  You should have seen the way Monte was looking at her. She has never looked at me like that before. I was so pissed and hurt but I continued to watch them the whole night. I mean me and Monte had already discussed that we were not going to engage in those pleasantries. Stef, she didn't even look for me. it was like she was there alone. For two fucking hour I sat there watching her flirt endlessly with Julie. Well, when the party was finally coming to an end, I pretended like I had been talking to this guy when I saw Julie slide Monte a piece of paper."

"Ok wait. What the fuck Sarah. Why are you just telling me this? This is crazy as hell."

"Stef, that's not even the worst part. A couple of days later I followed Monte to some apartments complex off of Michigan and 3rd. I just didn't trust her. especially since she said she had to go into work on a Sunday to finish some paper. The Bitch could never lie anyway."

"So, what happen when you followed her there?" I asked.

"I watched her go up to the door and guess who the fuck came out?" She says as I know it's not what I'm thinking!

"Not Julie?!" I say hoping the answer is no.

"Yes! Fucking Julie!" She says as she burst out crying!

"Fuck! What did you do?" I say rubbing her back trying to console her but still needing for her to finish.

"What the Fuck could I do?! I just sat there and waited! Next thing I know this grey car pulls up and this woman goes to the apartment door and starts to unlock it. Next thing you know Monte come running out half naked. I jumped behind the tree so she wouldn't see me. she got in the car and left. Next thing I know Julie come out with some luggage and leaves. Sooooo........ I know that you are going to think I'm crazy, but I walked up to the door. I mean I was scared shitless Stef, but I knocked, and she opened the door and I starring down the barrel on a 9mm." She says as my mouth drops to the door!

"What the fuck were you thinking? have you lost your mind!!!!", I say a mad and a little scared!

"Stef, I told her who I was and why I was there, and she just bust out crying. Shit I didn't know what to do so I just hugged her. Next thing I know we are kissing." she says.

"Please don't tell me you guys ended up fucking?" I say, completely flabbergasted.

"Well, um, we, we did start fucking. I, I, mean fuck, um, if Monte wants to cheat then I will return the favor." She says to me, knowing she fucked up.

I mean really, she knows that I would never condone cheating, especially with the past I have. This whole thing is like a lifetime movie. How did we go from possible engagement to both of them screwing around on each other. Make no sense. Monet is no good for Sarah. I don't even recognize her right now.

"Stef please say something. I'm about to lose my shit." She says, as I'm trying to gather the right words to say.

"Sarah, That's not healthy. I mean who are you becoming staying with her. I mean you are a completely different person. You would've never allowed anyone to dictate your actions before. Why is she any different?" I say waiting on a reply

"Well, I know that now especially since Julie walked in on us. And I don't know. She makes me do insane things. I love her and I think that because I love her and she did that to me I, I, I don't know Stef...."

I sigh out loud

"..........yeah, well the sad part is that the sex was amazing, better than any time I've had sex with Monte." she says, as my eyes widen. 

Jesus Christ, this is beyond me. Sarah's Phone starts to ring, and I can clearly hear that it is Monte on the other line. And she is not happy. Sarah then puts her on Speaker

Monte- Its over Sarah I'm done playing these games with you.

Sarah-Well that's fine with me! Come get your shit out of my house.

Monte-What are you kidding me? I'm not leaving. You leave.

Sarah-Ha! in your dreams baby.  The lease is in my name. So come get your shit or I'll get Stef to come kick you out

Here she goes, putting me in the middle.

Sarah-You know what Monte... FUCK YOU and Goodbye

She hangs up the phone and screaming for me to take her home. 

"Take me home Stef. That Bitch has lost her mind if she thinks she is going to take the apartment."

I knew I should've stayed home.

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