Never Imagine

282 16 7

Lena's POV

Its been three weeks and I still haven't heard from Stef. Ive called her non stop and even went as far as going to her apartment and her job. I don't understand. I talked to a couple of guys at the precinct and they didn't have any ideas. They said that she mustve transferred. Sarah hasn't heard from her either. Something strange is going on. Stef would never just leave and not say anything, so I decided to make an appointment with the Captain on the force, which im sitting in the waiting room to have now.

"Lena Adams." I hear someone say as I'm shaken out of my thoughts.

Yes, that's me.

"Ok follow me please, The Captain is ready to see you."

I stand up and follow the officer. He offers me a sit and tells me that the Captain will be in shortly. I sit and wait patiently hoping that I will get some answers soon. I look around the office and see a couple of photos, some of which I see pictures that stef are in with the some more police in uniform. I hear the door open behind me and I stand and turn to greet the man walking inside.

"Hello, Lena is it?"

Yes hi, Lena Adams.

"Nice to meet you. What can I do for you. I see that you have put in a couple of request to see. Sorry I couldn't speak with you at those times."

Yes. thank you for seeing me. I know that you are very busy.

"No problem. What is it that I can do for you?"

Yes. Well, ive been looking for an officer of yours. We just recently became friends and she has been missing. Well, I guess I should say missing, I just cant get ahold of her. I really starting to worry about her. She hasn't been answering any of her phone calls from me or any of her friends. Ive even thought about putting in a missing persons report but decided against it, which brings me here, hoping that you could give me some answers.

"Well of course, Ill do whatever I can to help you out. Can you give me her name and ill see what I can do."

Sure. her name is Stephanie Foster.


Oh. wait did something happen to her.

"No, No sorry. I just wasn't expecting you to be talking about Stef."

Stef? So you know her....personally?

"Yes of course. umm we were... well... How did you say you knew Stef again?

Well its kind of a weird story, but if you know her personally, you could tell me where she is."

Well im sorry to say this but I cant give you any information about where she is at this time. But I can tell you she is on an assignment and will be gone for some time. But she is a great cop and im sure she will be just fine. She hasn't been answering her phone because I ordered her not too.

Lena looks down at the floor in confusion. Why would Stef just leave and not tell her anything. Something is not right.

That's really strange. I would have at least thought she would let me know if she was going to be gone.

"Well she didn't really know that she was going to be leaving on this assignment. I picked her because she would be the best for this particular assignment. And she really didn't have a choice.

So you are the one that assigned her?

"Yes I am. I the Captain and I make all the decisions around here.

So I cant talk to her and she cant call me or any of her friends to let us know that she is ok?

"This is correct. I mean I've know Stef for years and she has never mention you before. How long have you been friends? You seem quite invested in knowing where she is. No one else has been up here and asked anything about her whereabouts."

Well I'm just worried about her. We had drink the other night and she is... a....a good friend.

"Well I promise you I have her best interest in mind."

This is getting really strange for someone who claims to have known Stef for years, he doesn't sound to happy that I am here asking questions.

Im sorry, I just cant wrap my head around it. I guess there is nothing that I can really do. Thank you for your time I never did get your name.

"Oh yes sorry. Foster. Captain Mike Foster."

Wait what. He has the same last name as Stef. This just got a little weirder.

Foster? Are you related to Stef in some way or is that a coincidence? I laugh a little when I say this.

"Yes, I'm her husband."

What the fuck is going on here.

Her..Her ..Husband?

"Yes, we have been married for some time now."

Wow. She never mention that she was married.

"Well ive been out of town for a couple of years and we were separated but we are working it out!" He lies.

Oh really that's great. Lena says. Feeling defended at this point stands and extends her hand preparing for her departure.

Well it was really nice to meet you Captain Fos...Foster.

"Call me Mike. Since you are friend with my WIFE and all." He says with a smirk on his face.

Lena look in his eyes knowing that she cant trust this man and anything he says.

Great. Nice to meet you Mike.

And with that she turn and exits the office, confused as ever.

Sorry for the long break. Hope you enjoy. more to come.

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