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"Captain are you sure she ok with the job? I mean really, everybody is not good with undercover work," Grey says as he's looking at Mike.

"Shell be fine. The only thing is that she doesn't know...... its undercover."

"Are you kidding me? She's going to flip. How do you think she is going to be ready for this. This is a big part of this investigation and she could blow it."

"She will be fine. We will brief her tomorrow together. Plus she has no choice. Im the Captain now and she will do it if she wants to keep her job.


Stef's POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing as I roll over and pick up the phone fast, thinking it was Lena.

"Hey, are you ok?" I say without thinking half awake.

"Hey Foster, this is Grey. Ummm and yeah I'm fine. Just calling to tell you we need to meet earlier than the usual time," Grey says with a laugh.

"Oh okay. What time?"

"Let's meet at 6. And don't be late. We have to get you caught up on everything before we head out tonight."

"Oh ok yeah sure ill see you then."

We hang up and all I can think of is why I need to be caught up with detective work. I have already looked at the cases that I was assigned to and they were pretty basic homicide open and shut. This worries me a little as I know that Mike's behind this. I check my phone and realize that I have a text from Lena and Sarah. I decide to call Sarah first but she didn't answer. So I text Lena soon after.

Lena 945am : Good Morning. Hope you had a great night.

Stef 1096am : Hey there. Yes I had a great night because I was with this beautiful amazing  women(wink)

Lena 1100am: Oh really now. She seems to be amazing. Even though she may have step out of line last night

Stef 1102am : You've met her? Cant be because she didn't skip one person last night.

Lena 1105am : LOL! No really Stef, I hope we didn't go to far yesterday.

Stef 1108am : Lena nothing happen that I didn't want to happen.

Lena 1111am: well great, I wish I could see you before you start nights but Monte just called me in to prepare for summer school. What time do you have to go in? Maybe we could do a early dinner. Say around 6?

Stef 1119am : I wish I could but they called me in early too. Have to go in at 6.

Lena 1125am : Awww. lol ok then I guess we will talk later. Im walking up now. Can you receive text while at work?

Stef 1130am: Yes! It may take a while for me to respond depending on the case but ill be glad to hear from you though.

Lena 1132am: Great! Be careful.

Stef 1135am: Will do. ttyl.

I Hang up the phone and roll out of bed to head for a shower. I Have to make some errands before I head to work and I don't want to be late.


Lena POV

I stick my phone in my purse and walk up to the school. Everything seems quiet being that no  students are here. I walk up to Montes office and knock on the door before walking in on her and Sarah kissing. Like what the fuck is going on. I quickly close the door and head to my office. I sit down at my desk trying to figure out what I just witnessed. I soon here a knock at the door as both Sarah and Monty walk in.

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