Chapter 7

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Dan could hear snoring, which was confusing as hell since he lived alone, and was currently laying in bed trying to get some much needed sleep. He ignored the sound for another five minutes, trying to get his brain to leave it alone, before deciding to find the source of the sound.

The sight that meets Dan's eyes is enough to make a grown man's heart melt. Phil was snoring soundly, his face illuminated only by the light of Phil's own laptop. His glasses were crooked on his face, his mouth was hanging slightly open, only heightening the sounds of his snoring. His black fringe was forming itself into the most amazing quiff he had ever seen, showing off the clear pale skin of Phil's forehead.

They must have fallen asleep on FaceTime after Dan's liveshow. Dan had called Phil immediately after he ended his stream, and both he and Dan hadn't wanted to finish talking. They switched from their iPhones to their MacBooks at around 10:30, so that they would both be able to browse the web while talking.

The last thing Dan remembers before falling asleep was Phil's quite giggles, having seen something on his phone that elicited such a reaction. Dan had fallen asleep with a smile on his lips and a warm feeling in his chest. He gazed at Phil's sleeping form and found himself captivated by the way his lip moved with each breath he took, a steady reminder that Phil was alive, and breathing, and there.

Dan wasn't sure why this calmed him, but it did. Dan fell asleep, matching his breathing to Phil's.

When Dan woke up, Phil wasn't there anymore. Dan could still see the blue and green checkered duvet, the blue fitted sheet that is thrown haphazardly across the bed, his mountain of pillows stacked where Phil's head had been a few hours ago. Phil must not have realized that the FaceTime was still connected before he got up.

Dan stretched his arms and legs, sore from being curled into a tight ball while he slept. He groaned and yawned while his limbs found their comfort in the strain of the muscles. Rolling over to end the call, resigned to the fact that Phil had already gotten up for the day, but right as he was about to end the call, Phil's voice finds his ears.

Phil had made his way back into his room, throwing himself onto his bed and into the camera frame again. "Oh, morning Dan! I didn't know you were up yet." His smile was infectious. Dan was suddenly very aware of the fact that he has no idea what he looks like right this moment. Dan looks into the small image of himself, cringing as he sees his bedhead and ridges in his face caused from his pillow.

He covered his face with both of his hands, pulling the sleeves of his white shirt over his fingers, rubbing his eyes. "This isn't fair, you got to get up and wash your face before I woke up, I look like rubbish first thing in the morning."

"Dan, did you know you talk in your sleep?" He had that damn smirk on his face, that one he gets when he knows something. That one that fangirls swoon over. The one Dan swoons over.

"Oh shit. Phil, please tell me I didn't talk in my sleep last night..."

"Oh you did. Who is Colin? Because you seemed to be having a good conversation with him last night..." Dan wasn't sure what that look on Phil's face was, but if he didn't know better he would say Phil was jealous.

"Colin?" Dan's laughter was loud and honest. "Colin is my family's dog." Dan was laughing so hard that he was struggling to catch his breath, "I don't know what I was saying to my dog, but I am glad it was entertaining for you to listen to."

"Oh." Phil breathed a small sigh, "Colin is your dog."

"You're such a spork, Phil."


Dan had to shower, or thats what he had told Phil when he hung up from the FaceTime. Phil was sure that there was more to it, but he wasn't sure what it was, and seeing as he had just started his friendship with Dan, he didn't want to pry too much. There was something in Dan's eyes that didn't sit well with Phil for some reason, but he couldn't place why.

Finding the Phandom: A Dan and Phil AUWhere stories live. Discover now