Chapter 10

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A/N: So once I started this chapter I realized how hard writing PINOF was going to be. So I tried to make the writing hold true to the filming and editing style of the videos. I hope you like it, since I had a great time writing it. I will write more soon!

Thank you all for reading!


Phil's Clerkenwell flat is small. Very small. But everything about the inside screamed Phil. It was bright and colorful. There were houseplants in every corner, his house full of blues and greens. It may be small, but it was the embodiment of Phil Lester, and Dan loved it. He had seen bits of Phil's flat from videos, live shows, and collabs, but there is something disorienting about seeing the angles of the flat that are not seen from Phil's filming angle.

There is a dining table in the dining room kitchen combo, that Dan had never seen before. There were signs of life all around the room, and being able to see each piece of Phil's life made Dan feel nostalgic.

On that brown couch, Phil films his weekly liveshows. One time, he had answered one of Dan's questions, but since he was using an alias account, no one had known it was him. In front of that bookcase, Phil sat when he filmed his one attempt at a gaming video, which Dan loved, but was not his most popular video, so Phil put the idea to the side. Dan wandered through the flat, the bathroom that housed the toilet tag, the bedroom that Dan has grown to be his home away from home, even though this is the first time he has every been in it.

"This is so fucking weird." Phil's questioning look was enough to cause Dan to explain. "I have been watching you film in this room for 6 years, since you moved here from Manchester. I have only ever seen this room from one angle, and it doesn't even begin to do this place justice. This place is so you, Phil." Dan had sat on Phil's bed, Phil made his way to sit by his side.

"I like to keep the majority of this space mine, since I share so much of my life with my fans. It's nice to have something that is mine, you know?" Phil's hands were resting on his blue and green checkered duvet.

"I completely understand." Dan could see the camera still positioned by the bed, a sight that would look entirely different if Phil wasn't a YouTuber. "We give so much of our lives to them, that when you have something worth protecting, you should protect it." Dan met Phil's eyes, a small smile on his face.

"And I will protect it." Dan was about to ask Phil what he was going to protect, when the buzzer rang, signaling the arrival of the pizza man. The men made their way to the living room, starting an episode of Buffy and eating some pizza while they chat about their upcoming video.

They had their questions picked out, they had the props that they needed, they had most of the video planned out. There was one thing that the men hadn't talked about, the name. "Hey, Phil?" Happy eyes met his, "What should we name the video?"

Phil's eyes turned thoughtful, "I guess I haven't thought about it. I was probably just going to name it Q&A WITH DANISNOTONFIRE or something." He was still eating his cheese pizza, the only situation that he enjoys cheese. "Did you have something else in mind?"

"Well, I was just thinking about how you used to always make short titles, that were kinda punny sometimes. So what if we named it with a pun, since it is a throwback video and all." Dan knew that the title didn't matter, but he had thought of what he would want to name a collab with Phil way back in 2009, and he was set on using it at some point is he could.

"Well, puns are always nice. What could we use? Something about PHan, like with a PH?" Phil had set down his pizza, actively participating in the conversation.

"Too obvious, what about 'Phil is not on fire'?" Dan had found it funny when he was 18, but it seemed kinda silly now.

"I love it, lets do it." Phil stood from the couch, disregarding his pizza. He began walking towards his bedroom.

Finding the Phandom: A Dan and Phil AUWhere stories live. Discover now