Chapter 21

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A/N: I am getting closer to the end, so I want everything to be perfect, so forgive me if my updates aren't super frequent. I am really excited to finish it, but also really sad to see it end. So bare with me.


"Okay, Mr. Howell. It looks like you're all clear and ready to get out of here. You're testing came back clear, so theres no reason for you to stay." Dr. Sanders was flipping through some more papers, checking the results of Dan's tests again, making sure there was nothing he missed. "Mr. Lester, make sure he gets plenty of fluids, and lots of rest. You'll need to check his bandages once a day, changing them if they get soiled." Phil was nodding along, making mental notes of the doctors instructions. "He has three sets of stitches on his right wrist, and one on his left. You'll have to come back in to see me in about two weeks to have those removed. But if anything out of the ordinary happens, please come back sooner." Dr. Sanders closes the chart, and places it back on the end of the bed.

"The nurse will be in to discharge you soon." With that, he leaves. It was just Dan, Phil, and Mrs. Howell at the moment. Mr. Howell was picking up Adrian from school, and would meet them at the flat around 5.

It was about 3pm by the time all the paperwork was filled out, and Dan was being wheeled out of the hospital, pushed in a wheelchair by Phil. He was finally wearing his own clothes, and not a flimsy hospital gown, which brought a new sense of peace to Phil. They loaded into an uber, which took them to their flat. 

The air smelled of bleach and soap. The bathroom floor was whiter than he had ever seen it, he wasn't sure who had cleaned the blood, but he was so glad that it wasn't still on his floor. The only remains of the incident, were the black roses, placed in a vase, and left on the kitchen counter. Whoever cleaned, must have decided they were worth saving, but the sight of them made Phil sick.

Seeing those roses, surrounded by Dan's blood. This symbol of love, tainted with destruction. He made a mental note to throw them out as soon as Dan's family left, he could throw a tantrum later, but for now, he had to keep it together. 

Mrs. Howell set Dan up in his filming room, neither man correcting her about their sleeping arrangements. "Thanks Mum." Mrs. Howell was going to great lengths to ensure Dan's comfort, when Phil knew that Dan would be content with his Mac and Phil's arms. But the older man decided to let that go, and let Dan's mom dote over her oldest son. 

Phil sat himself next to Dan on the bed, placing a chaste kiss to his forehead. "I'm going to take a shower. I'll be back shortly." Dan nods, and gives Phil's hand a small squeeze. 

Dan was alone with his mother now, a situation he hasn't been in for years. They sat in an awkward silence, Mrs. Howell seated at the foot of his bed. "Mum, you don't have to go to all this trouble." 

"You're my son. Of course I'm going to make sure you're comfortable." She hadn't looked at him, and instead was surveying the decor of the room. "This room is rather drab. It doesn't look lived in." 

Dan glanced around the room. She was right, There were nerdy decorations, and different things that he liked, but this wasn't the place he slept. "I keep it like this so that my subscribers don't ask too many questions." His voice sounded bored, even to himself.

"Don't lie to me." His mother's face was stone serious. She was looking him in his eyes, giving him a look that he hasn't seen in ages. 

"I don't sleep in here, okay?" He lowers his gaze, looking down at the black duvet. "Why do you even care about where I sleep? You haven't cared for years." His mother recoiled as though she had been slapped. 

"Do you really think I don't care?" Her expression softened, and her voice was quiet. Dan gave a shrug, attempting to act flippant, as though this conversation wasn't among the hardest of his life. "Daniel, you're my son. My oldest son. Of course I care. We all do."

Finding the Phandom: A Dan and Phil AUWhere stories live. Discover now