Chapter 43: Sunny Disposition.

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Before I met Maria and had a family with her I thought I was a man. I thought that I was this big tough guy who could fight anybody I wanted and get as much pussy as I wanted. Until Maria came along. The moment I saw her sauntering on by wearing her little shorts that revealed a little too much and a black tank top, smelling like a goddamn summer day, I nearly fell off the side of my bike. My heart palpitated, it physically jerked boldly inside my chest. She didn't even see me, she saw the big tough guys sitting on their bikes but she didn't see me. But maybe she did, because I swear for a split second I saw her smile as she walked by. I'm sure it was out of nervousness of meeting her long-lost family but I can't help but entertain the idea that she was smiling at me.

And then that night she asked me to dance ten times, me always saying no but the eleventh time I said yes. She convinced me by telling me she couldn't dance either but she wanted to dance with me. I figured since there hadn't been a slow song in a while that there'd be one playing when we did dance, and I could just Junior High it instead of making a complete ass out of myself by dancing to a fast song. I remember how close she held herself to me, she placed her hands on my shoulders and pressed herself lightly to me while I had my hands on the small of her back; and we just slowly swayed with the music that I couldn't hear I was so engulfed in her. We spent a long time talking that evening, cracking jokes and getting to know each other. Maria broke my heart when I told her I was from Queens and she replied with that's so far away from here while laying her head against my chest. Maria Sullivan stole my heart and broke it all in the same day. I knew I had to do something.

So, you can imagine when Jax came up to me and told me I had to get Maria to come back to Charming with us I took this as a huge sign, Maria and I were meant to be. Jax told me to pretend to be in love with her, make her my old lady for a little while and then break it off so Gemma came swoop in and take her in. I didn't need to pretend to be anything. I wanted to wrap Maria in a blanket and take her far away from her monsters and hide her away so I can love and nurture her back to health. Turns out all she needed was someone who wouldn't leave her behind, and the thought of me going back to Charming scared her to death but we devised a plan. I told Jax about it and he gave it the go ahead. Maria would leave in the middle of the night, leaving nothing but a note saying something about leaving to live as a hippie in the woods or some shit like that. I'd come and get her in the tow truck at about midnight, I did not count of Jax wanting to come along too but it all worked out pretty well. He put on a show to throw Maria off his trail; he acted like the shocked cousin who didn't approve of this in any way, shape or form but then caved.

Now, Chibs actually didn't know anything about this plan so he was shocked and pissed off all the same when he realized who was sandwiched between Jax and me. Maria had somehow convinced him that this was something she wanted and Jax gave it the green light. Jax and Chibs had a serious conversation back at TM. Jax wanted me and Chibs to keep an eye on her until he can figure out what to do with her. Until then Maria was going to stay with me.

Jax was pissed when he found out I had no intentions of leaving Maria and she had no intentions of leaving me. He was even angrier when Maria came out and announced she was pregnant. But there was an ominous chill in the room between Maria and Gemma, what was going on there? I asked her about it once but she said it was nothing so I believed her. But I didn't believe her. It hurt to know she was hiding something from me. Although it didn't hurt as bad as when Jax came to me and tried told me to put the idea of abortion in Maria's head. I had no intentions of doing that, I kept the pamphlets hidden away from Maria in my kutte and told Jax she didn't want to go through with it. Gemma found the pamphlets one day and lost her shit at me. Through fear of being murdered by her I told her Jax gave them to me to give to Maria, he wanted us to terminate the pregnancy. I swear Gemma saw a ghost or something. She told Jax to knock his shit off because Maria was safe and in love with me, and I was in love with her. She told him we were keeping the baby and he was going to deal with it. He stopped trying to break us up after that but not before he and Gemma had a long talk behind closed doors.

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