Chapter 44: Glass Half Empty, Glass Half Full.

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To this day I believe I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. I'm feeling everything I'm supposed to be feeling and experience everything that was put in my plan. I will believe that until the day I die. I was put where I was for a reason. I was meant to be brought up the way I was for a greater good. It was destiny that I'd meet Jax and Gemma, and your dad. I was fated to leave Huntington for Charming. I was predestined to be a part of the Sons of Anarchy. It was planned from the very beginning. The events that have happened were meant to happen. It was set in stone long before I came along.

If you're ever afraid of the path you're on just know that you're there for a reason. You're supposed to be on that path for a very special reason. It's up to you to discover what that reason is. But no matter where you are, it's where you're meant to be.

"What if Grampa comes while I'm at School?" Percy asked in a whine. It's been a long morning with him. A couple days ago Chibs called Juice to say they were gonna be up here today. Juice stupidly told Percy and now Percy doesn't want to go to School in case Grampa shows up and he misses something important. I reassured him that the only excitement he was going to miss was the mess his little brother was bound to make. Or, his baby sister would have a meltdown if not fed on time.

I lovingly smiled at my son, holding his baby sister close. Daylon was still asleep but Beau woke up when Percy got up.

"If Grampa comes while you're at School then I'll let him come and get you afterwards, that way you get to ride on daddy's motorcycle and Grampa's in the same day." I bargained with my seven and a half year old. Percy's brown eyes lit up like the sky on Fourth of July in Texas. Percy loves riding on the back of Juice's bike. God, I remember the first time he did. Back then I nearly had a heart attack, seeing my baby on the back of his daddy's bike, smiling so happily with his three baby teeth missing (one from the top and two from the bottom). But now, I look back at it and smile fondly.

I dotingly smiled at the memory as Juice came waltzing into the garage with the helmet he specifically got for Percy when he would ride on the back of his motorcycle. Ever since that day Percy loves riding with his dad. Since Juice came back the two of them have a ritual where in the evening Juice would take Percy out for a ride after dinner and before bed time. Percy says he doesn't want to drive a race car anymore; he wants to ride a motorcycle like his dad does. That only mildly worries me. Percy is becoming more and more like Juice every day. He's on the path of becoming a Son.

"That means you have to keep the special helmet I got you safe in your backpack all day." Juice reminded Percy with a smile as he placed the helmet over the boy's head. Percy's shaggy brown curls became crushed under the helmet. He gave his dad a smile, showing the missing front tooth and two adult teeth growing in proudly. I couldn't help but smile at Percy as I looped the leather strap through and clipped it closed before giving the strap a tug to tighten it.

"Is today my last day at that School?" Percy asked curiously, looking from me to Juice then back to me again. I glanced over at Juice, he looked a bit perplexed. My attention went back to our oldest son with a smile and a nod.

"Yeah, today is your last day. By the time you go to sleep tomorrow night we'll be back in Charming." I said lightly. Percy's face shared a very familiar confused expression. He and Juice both looked like confused but curious puppies when they're confused about something. I tend to forget how much the boys look like their father, now Beau too.

"With my brothers?" Percy's question pulled at my heart. I looked directly into his dark brown eyes expressionlessly. I was so happy the boys look like Juice and not me; if they looked like me then they'd look like Abel and Thomas. They'd look like Jax and my dad.

"Yes. Abel and Thomas are in Charming." I replied weakly, knowing what he'll ask next. I had to mentally and emotionally prepare myself for that kind of pain.

The Life and Death of Girl Unknown (UNDER REVISION AND EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now