Chapter 24: The American Beauty Meets the American Psycho.

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Chapter 24: The American Beauty Meets the American Psycho.


I tugged at the hem of the white tank top until it sat just above my bellybutton. I evaluated myself in the full body mirror in my neat and tidy room; a pair of ripped denim short shorts and a white tank top that showed off a year of hard work and exercise. My hair was long, well beyond my mid back; it sat in damp ringlets.

I was getting ready to go meet my cousin Jax and my Aunty Gemma for the first time. I didn't even know I had family on my mom's side until a coup!e weeksnago when Jax called me and gave me the news. At first I thought he was some crazy peadophile calling up a teenage girl to try and get her to meet up with him. But then I asked my dad if I had a cousin by the name of Jackson Teller. After I told him that Jax had called me he demanded that I stayed away from Jax and Gemma, and Charming. I wonder if he actually thought I was going to stay away from them. He knows that at any chance to get the hell out of dodge I'll take it; the therapist that he sent me to made me tell him. And to find out I have an Aunt and a cousin that live a day worth of driving away, I'm gonna hop aboard that gravy train.

Apparently Jax is in town with his mom and a couple of friends. We decided that it was time to put faces to the voices. We're meeting up a steakhouse for lunch, its going to be amazing. At least I hope its going to be amazing. I've never met them before and if I want to leave Huntington Beach for Charming then I need to build a relationship with them.

I sighed and pulled the white top over my head and tossed it onto my bed. I riffled through my dresser to find a black tank top that is summery but still a bit modest. I sat at the end of my bed and pulled on the old dusty black Convers then tied them up. I grabbed my bright pink wallet that had the large gold studs on the side and a silver chain that turned it into a purse. I put my phone into its compartment and looped my finger through the keyring for mycar keys then left my room. The large house seemed cluttered with hollow thoughts. I'm not sure if my dad was home or not but I didn't really care. I was able to get out of the house without a problem. It was hot outside, hotter than it usually was for July in California.

"Maria." Fuck. I turned on my heel to see my dad standing at the front door looking agitated. He forced a crocked smirk. "Where are you going?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. I forced a smile and beamed back at him.

"Just going for lunch with some friends." I didn't technically lie, I merely avoided telling him who exactly I was going out with. Hopefully he bought it.

"Don't you think you should put something a little less revealing on? I don't want people thinking I raised a prostitute." He sneered at me. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes at him, if he only knew half the shit I get up to when he's not around.

"My body is my temple, I am the goddess it is devoted to, do not presume to tell me how I can or cannot decorate my alter." I went all kinds of new age religious spirituality on him. He stood there dumbfounded, he probably couldn't believe that amazing piece of speech came from a girl who is about to plot a runaway mission.

I turned on my heel again and opened the door to my now clean SUV. When I pulled out of the driveway dad was still standing there looking gobsmacked. Gemma and Jax are meeting me at my frequent hangout place. There is this biker gang that comes through every once in a while that are from Nevada, they go by the name Sons of Anarchy. I've been eyed up by a couple of them but none of them ever came by to chat with me. I think they know I'm underage.

When I got to the Spike there were a few Harley Davidson bikes parked out front beside a small black car. The owners of the bike were sitting, waiting for something, and the owner of the small black car had the window rolled down. I parked beside the small black car and sighed as I gathered myself up. There were butterflies in my stomach nervously. My heart raced and my knees felt weak. I've only ever met people from my dad's side of the family. This'll be the first time I meet someone from my mom's side of the family.

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