Chapter 47: The Life & Death of Maria Ortiz.

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Love is a funny thing. It's the best thing life can give you. It can be the first dawn after endless darkness and it can spin you in circles until you no longer feel dizzy. But it's hard to find the sunrise when East keeps moving. Love can be blinding and being blind can be dangerous because you don't know where you're going and you can end up in a place you never thought existed. Love is a complicated simple. It's the loud silence in the morning after. It's all the I love yous in the I hate yous. It's jealous moments. It's every adventure around the corner while sitting on the sofa with popcorn on a Friday night watching a movie. It's loving everything you usually hate doing. It's sharing something you didn't know could be shared.

Ann Landers once said "Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less that perfection and makes allowances for human weakness." I strongly believe there is no truer saying about love. It's a lot of things to a lot of different people but this is the underlining gist of it all.

Growing up I used to not believe I was ever capable of loving until I met your father. He forced the flood gates open and I stood there frozen, completely engulfed with every overwhelming freckle of emotion he made me feel. You can never control who you fall in love with, even when you're in the most sad, confused time of your life. You don't fall in love with people because they're fun. It just happens. I didn't want to fall in love with your father but it happened, and now I couldn't be happier. We've learned to love each other through very dark times, to pull through at each other's side. We've learned to tune out the noise that doesn't matter. We've had our fair share of arguments. I've told him I hated him. We've had our bouts of jealousy and anger.

Even after everything we've been through we've never given up on each other. We've never given up on what we've built. It wasn't until I met your father that I realized what I'm capable of when it comes to someone I love. I love so fully and unapologetically, it can be overbearing at times but you never have to question it. I want you kids to learn how to be loyal and love like your father and I love each other. Understandably every relationship is different but morals shouldn't be. If you want 110% in a relationship then you need to give 110% in that relationship.

But my love has led me to hate and revenge. My love for my family has led me to do some terrible things that I know I'll pay for. There is nothing in this world that will get in my way of protecting my family. But what if two sides of my family are going after each other? Who am I supposed to protect then? The answer to that question is ever changing. But there is one answer that will never change; my babies. I will always protect them with every fiber of my being. It doesn't matter who's side I'm on, I will put an end to the person bringing harm to my children without hesitation. Love cannot flourish where there is hate. Life cannot continue where death is waiting.

After a night talking with Juice to sort out the mess I've made I managed to get some shallow sleep. Juice slept on the couch, like Chibs suspected. I couldn't believe Juice and I got into a fight on our wedding night. I just couldn't live with that secret anymore, ever since Beau was born I couldn't do it.

This morning I woke up to the sound of Juice on the phone. He was talking with Chibs about something that made my stomach curdle like soured milk. An icy chill crawled up my spine.

"Jax shouldn't have made her do that. He knew retaliation was going to happen. He knew the consequences of what she did and he's done absolutely nothing to protect her afterwards." Juice's voice was low and harsh, it was full of venomous hatred. I could hear him in the boys' room beside ours.

"She killed the President of the Mayans. How could he have not known there was going to be a retaliation despite the peace we made with them. There's always going to be rogue members. And now Maria is onto me about having Happy follow her. If she finds out about what they did she's going to hunt them down and murder them."

The Life and Death of Girl Unknown (UNDER REVISION AND EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now