Chapter 26: The Return of No Point.

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Chapter 26: The Return of No Point.

Its been three months and things have been getting tougher to handle. Percy has been acting out at School, so much so that I had no choice but to make him go see the local shrink at the hospital. He stopped talking after the first session and he's starter running away from home and going to the cemetery to be with his dad. Daylon doesn't realize how things have changed. I don't know if he remembers Juice or if he was too young to be able to remember.

I was right, its a little girl. We're..... I'm having a baby girl. She's healthy and that's all I care about. I had Jax clean out the office so I could make it into a nursery. This is after I debated putting the two boys together but with Percy being the way he is at the moment, I don't want to risk it. So I decided to put the office stuff in the garage for the moment.

Everyone helped out with giving away old baby things they didn't need anymore. Tig even picked out a Princess pink for the colour of the room. I was really surprised when they had everything done in a weekend. They started Friday morning and finished Sunday night. Now all I had to do was put clothes and toys into the room, then finally the baby.

Juice's mom and sister have come out to see the boys and I twice, once they stayed after the funereal for a couple of days, maybe a week then they came for Christmas. They're both happy to have the boys in their lives, and now the girl who I'm sure they'll spoil rotten. It didn't surprise me when everyone started swooning over the fact that its a girl. Gemma and Juice's mom loved the idea of being Grandmas to a little girl, they've gone shopping together which frightens me a bit. They've asked me what I'm going to name her, I'm not sure yet. I haven't even thought of names yet. I still have a couple of months to go before I have to worry about a name.

The guys are already dreading the teenage years and dating. The only club members who have daughters are Tig, Chibbs and Opie. Opie's mom has the kids sometimes when their legal guardian comes to visit. Oh, what's her name? She and Opie were together when he died? Fuck it, I don't remember.

Percy was at his bi-daily session, Tara is going to bring him home since her shift ends fifteen minutes before his hour is up. Daylon was in his jolly-jumper, bouncing away in the door way. I stood at Juice's dresser with a cardboard box on the end of the bed. I've been procrastinating packing his things up for far too long. Its been almost four months since he died and I still wake up every day thinking he'll be in the other room with the boys. And every day I'm let down. After a while the aching pain dulled into a sore throb.

I don't know what I was going to do with his things, maybe donate them or burn them. I can't imagine someone else's smell on his clothes. I've washed the dirty clothes and they're already at the bottom of the box. I started piling his clothes onto the bed beside the box. My heart was numb as I cleared his things out. It felt like one of us is leaving, like a divorce or something. It wasn't a very nice feeling. Seeing his dresser being slowly cleaned out made my stomach hurt a bit.

I pulled some of his tee shirts from the top drawer, the place where I found the ring he was going to use to propose to me. I still wear the ring because I don't see myself ever getting married. I sighed and slapped the stack of tee shirts onto the bed with the rest of his stuff. I went back to close the drawer when I saw that yellow-beige envelope sitting there. My eyebrows narrowed tightly and I scooped the envelope up into my hands, it had some weight to it. On the other side it had my name written in black marker; in Juice's hand writing. I peeled then top open and looked inside to find hundreds of papers. There was a flicker of butterflies in my stomach that automatically drew my hand down to the protruding bump. It was the baby moving around slightly.

I took that envelope to my side of the bed and sat down, causing some tall piles of clothes to fall over and the box to shift a bit. I stuck my hand in the envelope and dug out the thick stack of papers. The first paper I laid eyes on was a letter to me.

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