Chapter 2: Critical Chronicles.

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Chapter 2: Critical Chronicles.

The first time I read something by George Washington wasn't when I was in history during Middle School. In fact, it wasn't until after I left Huntington Beach and I came to Charming just before I turned eighteen. I was helping Grandma Gemma with a fundraiser, selling used books to the School library. I found a quote scrolled on the first page of one of the books and it has stayed with me every single day since.

Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light.

Pain will show you the truth overtime. But the truth is a very powerful thing and with it comes tough choices. You're going to be expected to make the right choices, but the honest truth is, there is no right choice. Don't forget that even the truth can be a lie. For a single truth, there will come a million lies. Trying to see the genuineness in dishonesty is like trying to find a penny in a thick fog. But once you see that penny, you can't see anything else.

It reminds me of when I was a child and I fell out of a tree in my backyard. My Granddad warned me countless times not to climb that tree; that I'd get hurt, I'd break a bone or something. Being nothing but a rebellious child I didn't believe him, nor did I listen to him and his warnings. I climbed half way up before the branch I was on snapped and I went tumbling down to the ground. I had broken my arm when I hit the ground. I went inside and pretended like nothing was wrong.

A little while later my dad asked what happened to the tree because there was a large branch laying there when before there wasn't. I had two choices: Tell my Granddad that I climbed the tree, the branch broke and I got hurt at risk of him yelling at me and grounding me. Or, I tell him a lie. Tell him that I didn't know what happened. But the pain in my arm was far too much for me to handle. I ended up sobbing at his feet asking him to forgive me for not listening. He wasn't happy that I didn't listen but he was more upset by the fact that I didn't go straight to him when it happened. He was more worried about my safety and wellbeing than he was about me not obeying what he said.

My pain revealed the truth. I had disobeyed him and climbed the tree, thus falling down and breaking my arm. My pain revealed worry and love in him. If he didn't loved or cared about me then when I told him I broke my arm wouldn't have broken his heart. Pain always comes to light, no matter how well someone hides it. Pain is reveals the truth. But sadly, it's not as simple as that. People aren't always in pain and the pain doesn't always correlate with the truth. Most of the time when people lie and withhold the truth, they're trying to protect someone or something. Sometimes they're only trying to protect themselves. Everybody who knows the truth has the same two options: Reveal the truth or hide it. There is no right or wrong choice, you either keep the truth a secret or you let the world know; someone is always going to be upset about the choice you made. When it comes to the truth, there is only the shade of grey; no black and white.

As a mother, I hope that you boys will always find the truth and use it for good. I hope that when you are faced with the decision to use the truth or to hide it, you follow your moral compass and nothing else.

I finished typing out the end of the second chapter of whatever I was writing. It was late and I was tired. Juice was supposed to be home last night but all I got was a phone call from him yesterday afternoon, he said there have been some complications with the Irishman and he won't be home until later tonight; after the boys were in bed, which was over an hour ago.

While I wait for Juice to come stumbling into the house covered in GSR, sweat and blood, I was sitting in the office at the typewriter with the radio on quietly playing music to keep my mind at ease. Writing, whatever this is was the most comforting thing to do. Something has never felt so right, apart from being with Juice; I could live without him. Seriously though, if Juice died I may be right after him. I know too much the club for them to risk it. I may have to talk to Jax about that. I hate thinking about Juice dying but that is a day-to-day thought for the families of the boy of Sons of Anarchy. People die daily around those guys; how many more before it is Juice lying on the ground with bullets in his body and a pool of blood around him?

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