Chapter 33: #SurpriseB*tch!

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Chapter 33: #SurpriseB*tch!

I was not aware how long Braxton Hicks contractions could last. After the second day the Doctors sent me home but I needed to be supervised and monitored 24/7 until they stop then I have to go back to the Doctors to make sure Beau and I are okay. They've also put me on bed rest until after she is born.

Gemma saw that as opportunity to bring me and the boys to their house until Beau is born. I didn't see any other choices besides everyone practically moving into my small house just to keep an eye on me. They even had a vote when I insisted that I went home and everyone could drop by throughout the day, but they wanted someone to be able to keep an eye on me 24/7. I must admit, that was very suspicious.

Even after protesting against going home with Gemma, I still ended up going home with her. Percy and Daylon were already there, well their stuff was there. Percy was at School and Daylon was teaching himself how to stand. Clay was there to watch him. Clay and Gemma never had kids together but I think if they did Clay would be a good dad.

For the first few days the false labor persisted but then one evening a couple of days ago they just stopped. I had the best night's rest since Percy went missing nearly six months ago. But it was hard getting used to not being at the home Juice and I have lived in for 2 years. We moved in there just before I found out in was pregnant with Daylon. The stories of how many moves I've done with Juice in 6 years are both funny but stressful. The first couple of months that we were together we got evicted from the trailer so we needed to move somewhere else in a very short amount of time. We lived in one of the apartments at SAMCRO until Percy was born then we lived the upstairs apartment of a duplex. It was two bedroom and we had half of an unfinished basement. Juice and Chibs finished it one weekend when they where busy. We lived there until Percy was 51/2, that's when I found out I was pregnant. We luckily found the house we're in now and it still comfortably fits us. It's getting a bit snug with three kids and two adults......wait, there's only going to be one adult. I'm going to be the only adult in the house, having to play both mommy and daddy roles. Am I ready to take on this challenge? Am I ready to face sleepless nights alone? Am I ready to be the only one bringing in an income to feed and shelter my family? I never thought of all of that! It's never been put in front of me like this before. What if I can't do this? Less than 10 years ago I couldn't even take care of myself and now I have three little humans I need to make sure grow up the right way. How am I supposed to do that without my partner? Juice may not have been the ideal candidate for father figure role model of the year but he helped me raise the boys a bit and now I have to do it all alone. I don't think I'm cut out for this full time job.

I flipped the page of the magazine that Gemma gave me to read to distract me from the fact that I haven't gotten up and done something productive at all this morning. She brought me some tea and breakfast, she got Daylon and Percy up, fed and dressed then sent Percy on his way to School. Tara picked him up on her way to take Abel to Kindergarten.

I sighed and fingered through the pages mindlessly. I was bored and I needed to do something productive. I hate that I was on bed rest. I couldn't just sit here and not pester around my house, getting things ready for Beau's arrival. There was only three months left, if that. Tara said since I've been having false labor she might arrive a couple of weeks early. That scared me, how many week early can she be?

I felt like I was going insane, I couldn't just sit here and let my thoughts pound away at my head. I had a baby to take care of, I could hear him learning to talk in the living room with Gemma. His voice was loud but very pure and innocent. I had to be there to hear him say his first words. He's already standing up on his own and attempting to walk.

I let out another heavy sigh before sitting upright and swinging my feet off the egde of the bed.

"Don't even think about getting your ass up." Gemma warned as she appeared in the doorway with Daylon perched on her arm with his small arms draped over her for security. I pursed my lips and lifted my feet up onto the bed again and leaned back against the headboard in the guest bedroom.

"I'm bored out of my mind, I need something to do." I reminded her that I've been a working mother for 61/2 years and for almost a year I've been at home taking care of my family. Gemma didn't seem to take notice to my restless legs.

"Well, you have a visitor so you don't have to be bored anymore." She told me then walked away from the doorway to give room to whoever was here to see me. My heart fluttered before sinking when Chibs waltzed into the room with a small smile and a white plastic bag.

"Hello love, how are you doing?" He asked setting the bag down onto the bed near my knees. He went a retrieved the chair from across the room. I smiled weakly and shrugged.

"Besides being bedridden to the brink of insanity, I'm well rested and well nourished." I cheekily commented with a smirk. He grinned at me, the scars on either side of his face seemed to stand out more when he smiled. I've always admired his Glasgow grin, when I first met him I thought it was the coolest special affect makeup ever. Then I found out it wasn't makeup and that hisnscars have something to do with his nick name. Apparently in Scotland chibs is slang for a knife or blade which is what gave him those scars.

"As long as you're getting the things that both you and Beau need, that's all that should matter." He told me before the silence fell and we sat there awkwardly.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but why are you here?" I asked praying that I didn't sound like I didn't appreciate his company or sound rude by asking. But in all fairness the guys don't just come by for coffee and small talk about the latest trends in the world of fashion.

He glanced at me with those cold eyes that both seemed to be hard and distant and also, reassuring and kind. I didn't mind the eye contact but I did mind the frown that he shared.

"Jax told me what you did for the club." He stated softly, rubbing his knuckles with nervousness. My stomach fell and Beau pelted me in the side as hard as she could but I've gotten used to her being rough with me.

"I take it Jax sent you to yell at me some more, right?" I assumed honestly. Jax has made sure he lets me know exactly how pissed off he is that I did all of that by myself.

"No I'm not. Jax didn't send me either. I came here because we need to talk." He shook his head at me. I was pleasantly surprised that Jax had absolutely no part in this. For once someone is doing something for themselves.

"What about?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest with my eyebrows knitted together curiously. Chibs sighed softly then placed his hand on my knee reassuringly. I began to worry.

"Juice is alive."

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