Chapter 30: Jesus of Suburbia.

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Chapter 30: Jesus of Suburbia.

And once again I find myself in a position where no matter which decision I make, I'm going to be hated by people I once asked for respect from. I'm in a place where I need to pick a side; good or bad. Sadly it's not as easy to choose from that. I need to choose between good people doing bad things and bad people doing good things.

I hope that none of you have to make this decision. But if one day any of you are in a place where you have to make a decision like this, let this be key advise to help you choose: bad people doing good things prove that even though they do bad things, they're capable of changing to do good things. But the moment good people do bad things they continue to do bad things thinking they're good.

Here's another piece of advise to help you choose: if you're family is in danger, if you're at risk of losing your babies, go with the side that protects them. It doesn't matter if they're good or bad, go with them.

Child Services didn't like who my family was, they saw the bad in them. They saw what Juice did, what my dad did, and the fact that Percy was taken from me by a dangerous person. But they also couldn't ignore the fact that I met all the requirements to keep custody of my kids.

When they told me that I was overwhelmed with joy, I nearly burst into tears. I did burst into tears when we went to the car after the meeting. Doctor Wills told them that Percy may only need some medication and more intense sessions with him. I was okay with that. I didn't care if he spent more time with Doctor Wills or if he had to take a pill every day until this blows over. As long as I get to keep my family.

Gena took Daylon for the afternoon while Percy was at School. I paced anxiously in the living room. I know I told Gemma no, but I changed my mind. I was going to go and deal with this. It was too late to stop my dad's friends from coming to Charming, they were already here. And they were meeting up with the Mayans this afternoon at an old warehouse where I'm sure the Mayans are going to kill the stupid bastards.

I sighed and waddled to the bedroom, tying my hair up into a ponytail so it'd stay out of my face. I grabbed the brass knobs and pulled the closet doors apart to open them wide. There was an old box for a laptop on the shelf above my head. I reached up and shimmied it down. Only Juice and I knew what was in that box. I set it down on the bed and opened the lid to see a large yellow-beige envelope that had a quick note written on it in Juice's writing.

Maria, only use in case of emergency. -J.C

I felt the baby kicking and punching at either side of my rib cage, she wasn't happy I was doing this but it needs to be done. I dug my hand into the envelope until I felt something hard. I wrapped my fingers around it and pulled it out. My stomach dropped when I saw the Jericho 941 45 millimeter handgun. I tipped the envelope back and the magazine came rolling out onto the mattress. I couldn't help but remember when Juice brought this home for the first time, it scared the shit out of me.

"Maria!" I heard Juice call me from the other end of the small trailer. My head perked up from the sink where I stood doing dishes. I put down the plate and dried my hands quickly before going to our extra small room where Juice was standing by his side of the bed. I smiled at him widely and stood in the doorway. My forearms rounded over my pregnant belly. We were expecting our first child, a boy name Percy.

"Yeah?" Juice looked up at me with a serious expression on his face, he kept in looking between me and whatever was hidden behind the laundry basket on the bed.

"Come here." He instructed me sternly. My smile faded away and my stomach started to knot nervously. I did as he said and went over to his side. My heart stopped and my stomach dropped when I saw what he had. Percy kicked me hard in the ribs, causing me to wince loudly. Juice dropped the bulky black gun onto our bed and made sure I did fall. He helped me sit on the edge of our bed, my hands rubbed the unborn child lovingly and breathed deeply in shock.

The Life and Death of Girl Unknown (UNDER REVISION AND EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now