Chapter 35: Shatter Me.

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Chapter 35: Shatter Me.


I appreciated Opie looking out for me and all, but I asked Jax if Juice could possibly hang out with me since we're closer in age. It took Jax an entire two seconds to say no, but Gemma told him to loosen up. She told Juice that he was to "babysit" me for the remainder of the time they had in Huntington Beach. Oh yeah, Jax was pleased as punch with that.

After that he drove me home on his bike, my dad was standing in the living room window watching me. Juice waited until I was safely inside before he roared off into the night. Dad had a few questions for me, like: who was that? Where were you all day? Is he even licensed to ride that thing? I obviously told him that it was a friend's older brother, I've been with them all day and yes he is licensed to ride that thing. I didn't carry on with questions; I told him I was tired and had to be up early the next morning then went to bed.

That morning I got up early, earlier than dad and left the house. I decided to walk instead of take my SUV. It was a long walk but good exercise. When I arrived at the place they were staying at, Jax warned me that there better not be any funny business going on behind his back. I reassured him that there wasn't going to be any funny business happening. I woke Juice up bright and early, well I didn't wake him up. I sat in his motel room with a bowl of cereal and watched TV until that woke him up. I made him get out of bed before nine and told him to take a shower. Juice being well, Juice, he made a sleazy comment about how I just wanted to see him naked. That wasn't completely true, maybe a third true but not completely.

After he showered and got dressed we went for breakfast. I paid since it was a fairly expensive place, I think I hurt his feelings doing that. But if he wanted to pay $45 for waffles with a side of scrambled eggs and bacon with three coffees then so be it. I just thought I'd pay for both of our breakfasts out of kindness.

Anyways, we then went to the beach and chilled there for a while. I taught him how to surf, well I tried. We basked in the hot summer sun before going for lunch, this time we went to Starbucks for Panini's and coffee. I introduced him to the world of skinny French vanilla lattes with half fat froth, dark chocolate drizzle and hazel nut sprinkles, but as much as he enjoyed the manly sized gulp he took of my drink, he stuck to his regular black coffee, dark roast with three sugars. Then when we left I got myself a Cafee vanilla Frappuccino and I got him an espresso Frappuccino. He had some idea of what an espresso was but he had no clue what it did to you. Needless to say, I'm never buying him an espresso Frappuccino ever again, although I think he might by them for himself from now on.

After lunch we had to check in with Jax, he wanted to know what the hell I did to Juice to make him all wired up like he was. I said it must've been the coffee. Jax got what he wanted then let us go on an adventure again. We went to the shopping mall and hung out there, window shopping and such. Juice asked if we could go to the Starbucks there. That was the moment I realized that I created a monster. Dad texted me around mid afternoon to say he was going to spend the night at his girlfriend's house so I was on my own for dinner. Nothing unusual there.

Juice helped me off the back of his bike early that evening. Dad's car wasn't in the driveway so it led me to believe he already left. The house was quiet, I'm used to it that way though. It was dead inside, no loving family with a boat load of kids and two loving parents to fill it. It makes me sad to see such a nice house go to waste like this.

"So, what do you want for dinner?" I asked, leading him into the house. This was the first time he's been inside my house. Juice looked mesmerized by what he was seeing. I couldn't help but smile shyly at him as I watched him take it all in. His hypnotic brown eyes landed on me, then flicked between my smile and my eyes.

The Life and Death of Girl Unknown (UNDER REVISION AND EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now