Chapter 38: Greek Mythology is My Life.

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Chapter 38: Greek Mythology is My Life.

-3 months later-

Santa Monica General Hospital was fifteen minutes away from our home. Juice got a job as a mechanic at the shop two blocks away. The day after we arrived Juice and I went to the public School and registered Percy. He started the next day. Percy was obviously very confused when I showed up at his School and told him we were moving away. He was even more confused when he got into the truck and his dad was there. Juice was the one to talk to him about what happened. The first three weeks Percy avoided Juice at all costs but now they're back to normal. Juice and I understood why Percy was so hesitant of his dad. It's been a rough six months on him.

Percy made tons of new friends at School and I'm now apart of the clique of moms that have each other's backs. Juice even has dad friends who like video games as much as he does. It's weird being normal; of course for the first little while we were looking over our shoulders like paranoid creeps. But now we live a comfortable suburban lifestyle.

Beau was due at the end of next week and we have everything in place. The boys share a room while Beau has her own. Juice even got them bunk beds; obviously Percy has the top bunk while Daylon has bottom. He has a safety guard on the side of his bed so he doesn't roll off. But so does Percy. They were both very happy with the bunk beds. That made Juice happy since he put them together by himself.

Even though Beau was due at the end of next week I was experiencing contractions, I chopped them up to false labor again. Luckily this wasn't a catch 22 for me. I knew what I was feeling and somehow I wasn't panicked about it. I was still ordered to be on bed rest so Daylon was at day care and would be until Beau is born. I couldn't believe that he is going to be a year old next month.

It's insane to think that our lives have changed so much in a year. A lot has happened in the last three months, never mind a year. I've lost family, I've gained family, I've lost trust but I've gained knowledge. My entire being has changed in so many ways. By next week I'll go from having two boys to having two boys and a baby girl.

Juice refuses to have her middle name only be Carly because Beau Carly Ortiz is too boring. Juice likes Greek names; Percy's name is Percy Dakota Atlas Ortiz and Daylon's name is Daylon Alexander Ortiz. So naturally Juice wanted our daughter to have a powerful name; he chose Rhea. Juice chose my favourite goddess, I love her story and what she represents. But I can relate to Rhea as well.

Rhea is the daughter of Gaia and the sky God Uranus. She married her brother Cronus. They had six children but Cronus was so obsessed with power he swallowed five of the babies to prevent them from over throwing him. Rhea was pregnant with their sixth child, Zeus. But she went to Gaia and Uranus to ask them to help protect the baby. When the child was born they sent him away and gave Cronus a swaddled rock instead. He swallowed it. Then many years later Zeus came back and ripped open Cronus' stomach and freed his siblings. Rhea was then known as the mother of the Olympian Gods and Goddesses.

I suppose in a way I can relate to Rhea; my mother and father weren't that close. If my mother would have been free she would have had many lovers like Gaia. Her children and her family loved to step over the line to test authorities. In a way Gemma is my mother, she loves her garden like Gaia loved the earth and Gaia is the mother of the Titans; the Titans being the club in this sense. Gaia's youngest son, Typhon tested the authorities and had many lovers. Jax is Gemma's youngest son. But according to mythology Cronus may have been Gaia's last son with Titans but Typhon is her last son with Uranus.

In a way Jax is either Typhon or Cronus. Cronus forced his sister to do things she didn't want to do. And he's hungry for power and will eliminate any threat; that makes him Cronus but he is the scariest monster of SAMCRO and that makes him Typhon. And if you put Cronus and Typhoon together you get Jax.

But in another way Juice is Cronus, Juice was part of the Sons and that made him Jax's brother and according to Jax I'm his sister. Therefore I am bearing my brother's children. Rhea is also Gaia's eleventh child and I assume she didn't get much attention. Is this sounding familiar? It's either that or I am Gaia, Juice is Uranus and Beau is Rhea. The scary part is I know who Cronus or Typhon is. Percy. Percy has a temper and that scares me deeply.

I pecked around the house, making sure everything was neat and tidy. I was trying not to think about how fucking accurate this Greek mythology is. Juice and I had an appointment with the OB/GYN today, it's our thirty-nine week ultrasound. I was nervous and excited. The last ultrasound we had was a 3D one and we saw that she had her daddy's face. I wasn't surprised by that though. I'm not even complaining about it. I'd rather look at their father's face than mine.

I scooped up one of Beau's blankets from the basinet that we put in our room and started folding it when the house phone rang. I had that thing attached to my hip since Juice doesn't like it when I don't answer his calls, it makes him worried sick about us. He still has to get used to being a civilian.

I hesitantly looked at the phone number that was calling; it was Juice's cell. I smiled and Beau fluttered around. I pondered whether or not to answer his call, I was bored and he's on his lunch break so he'd probably come home and I'd most likely get him to take me to work with him since I can answer calls and stuff. But I chose not to do that, he'd be mad at me if I did that again. I answered his call.

"Hey babe." I smiled widely and greeted him, pretending not to be bored out of my mind. I could hear the background noise loud and clear.

"Hey. What are you doing?" Those were the first five words out of his mouth. I knew that if I told him I wasn't sitting on the couch he'd be upset. But he'd know if I was sitting around doing nothing.

"What do you think I'm doing?" I replied cheekily as I folded the blanket and set it back down in the basinet before sitting down on the edge of our bed. Juice chuckled.

"I think you're nesting again. And I also think you need to stop." He told me in a light tone that made me think about when I was pregnant with Percy and everything was so light and carefree. It made me smile; but my smile was short lived. All day today I have been experiencing cramping, like menstrual cramps but they started at the top of my belly and ran down to my pubic area. I also felt hip aches and back pain.

My heart shrank when I looked down and the bed between the black leggings that I wore there was a puddle and it was a murky red colour. Juice kept talking about his day and what time he was going to come to the house to get me.

"Juan, my water broke." I informed him in a slight daze. I heard him fall short of breath. He hissed at those four words, three of them were heart stoppers.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving now. I'll be there in five minutes. Hold tight, don't do anything. Don't move. I'll call Amanda and tell her to take care of the boys." Juice seemed to have it all figured out. Except for the fact that I could hear him freaking out silently. I nodded at no one then waited for my fiancé too arrive home to take me to the hospital I could probably just walk to. Fuck Juice hurry up!

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