Chapter 8: Fatality.

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Chapter 8: Fatality.

The air outside was getting warmer but it still was nice and cool. I pushed the stroller down the sidewalk with the plastic bag in the basket with the baby bag. I froze with a sudden icy blast of fear. My heart was engulfed in ice and my lungs fell short of breath. I stared at the tall man that emerged from the shop, putting his wallet back into his jacket pocket as he scanned the small crowd outside. His matching eyes found me standing there like a complete idiot. He looked stunned but a smile crossed his face. I finally snapped out of it and turned around to go into the other direction.

"Maria?!" He called my name but I pretended not to hear him. I just kept walking until loud fast footsteps crept up behind me faster than I could walk without running. He lunged around me with a wide smile.

"Maria, it's dad." He told me but I already knew who he was. I forced a smile.

"OhmyGod, what're you doing in Charming?" I questioned automatically. He shrugged his shoulder and brushed off the seriousness I had in that question.

"I found out that you were here so I decided to come and see how my baby is living. I see you're watching in a friend's baby." He assumed that Daylon wasn't mine. As much as I hated him knowing that I'm a mother, I hated it even more knowing that he is referring my baby as my friend's son.

I smacked my lips together and watched as he swooned over Daylon happily.

"Actually this is my son, Daylon. He's your grandson, well one of them anyway." I announced happily. Dad's expression went from happy to serious in a split second. His eyebrow arched slightly.

"How many kids do you have?" He asked curiously. I shrugged slightly and and grinned.

"Two boys, Percy is going to be 7 and Daylon is barely 5 weeks." I replied with a great amount of pride in my voice. I was proud of my two boys just by being alive. His eyebrows furrowed tightly and his mouth drew a grim line.

"Who's the father?" Great, we're going here. Dad really doesn't like Juice and when he finds out Juice is the father of the boys, he's going to lose his shit.

"The only man I've ever loved." I replied happily. I wasn't going to lie to him about who the father was because that's hurting Juice and the boys. I can't hurt Juice.

"You're still with him?"

"Of course."

"He's going to get you either hurt or killed, Maria." He snapped at me coldly. I rolled my eyes at him.

"He's a better father than you ever were." I snarled to him coldly before I marched away from the doom and gloom cloud. What I said was true though, my dad was rarely around so I was passed from my mom's two dads to him. Juice comes home at night and spends time with the boys, he helps with homework and helps get them ready for bed. He's a better father than either of ours. That's the dead honest truth.

I mounted Daylon's car seat onto the base before I piled everything into the seat beside him. I had no trouble folding the stroller up and putting it into the trunk. The morning out with my son was nice, besides the run in with Wayne and my dad. My dad was the worse of the two because he proceeded to follow me. He wouldn't come into the shop with me but he'd be waiting outside for me then stay a couple yards away. We got everything we needed from the stores, plus a little more since Juices birthday is in October. Percy already got him his present. He went with Gemma to pick it out while I was at home doing some paper work, this was the day that I went into labour with Daylon. I just finished the maternity leave paper work when I started my contractions. Juice was at the clubhouse when I called him in a frenzy, I called Gemma and told her. She kept Percy at her house while we went to St Thomas hospital.

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