Chapter 17: Isn't That Something?

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Chapter 17: Isn't That Something?

I was in the interview room twiddling my thumbs, waiting for whomever was in charge to come and fill me in. After Juice was taken from the house in handcuffs I got dressed while Jax and Chibbs stayed with Daylon. Jax said he'd get Tara to come by to get Daylon since Chibbs wasn't really in the mood to babysit. I told him I didn't care who was in the mood to babysit because I needed someone to watch on Daylon while I was at the police station.

So that left me by myself with these thoughts. I didn't know how to feel or what to think. Maybe if I clicked my heels and madd a wish this would all go away. But I knew that was nothing but a small glimmer of dreamery. There was no good way out of this; only a great amount of hardship and heartache, so I didn't pretend that I could click my heels make a wish and everything would be handy dandy.

I couldn't stop thinking about the mere moment before Juice was arrested, it was like he knew he was going to be arrested so he was being very sincere towards me.

I didn't react when the the stall door opened and Juice collapsed to the floor beside me, his arms wrapped around me tightly and he pulled me into his chest. My wet hair clung to his clothes like glue. I couldn't do anything but bare those overwhelming emotions; I had to ride out the storm.

My head propped up off of his chest when I heard the words he spoke.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much in love you. So please don't take my sunshine away." He sang me that song, the one I sang him when it was him on the bathroom floor being the victim to his emotions.

He helped me off of the floor, and shut off the water while I wrapped a large burgandy towel around myself. We both went to our bedroom where Daylon was in his swing happily snoozing the morning away. I sat at the foot of the bed while he gathered up some clean clothes and set them beside me. My eyebrows knitted together seriously as I looked up at him.

"You never did tell me why you attempted suicide." I reminded him that he still has to tell me his reasoning. His dark eyes were rimmed with evidence of sleepless nights. He heaved a sigh as he sat down to my right.

"I've done some really terrible things that I'm sure you'll find out soon enough and I know that I'm going to die because of them, but I want to die peacefully and if I get killed it won't be peaceful." He admitted to me, clasping his hands together and bringing them up to his mouth where the knuckles sat on his Cupid's bow. I understand where he's coming from; I've never attempted suicide but I know what its like to want to die peacefully. But I've also learned how to die peacefully.

"Dying peaceful has no relations to how you go, weather its suicide, murder or accidentally; dying peaceful has to do with how you see yourself and others when you go, its about forgiving those who've wronged you." I taught him the truth of peacefulness. He turned his head to me and shared a weak smile with tears in his eyes.

"I'm a bad man, whose done bad things." I shook my head at him and bit my fleshly bottom lip, dragging my teeth across it gently.

"No, you're not. You're a good man whose done bad things to bad people for good reasons." I reminded him point blank that he was wrong about himself. Juice's eyebrow cocked upward slightly and a frown pinched at the corners of his mouth.

"What does that make me?" He asked curiously. I smiled at him and caressed the side of his face gently.

"Human." I replied softly, staring deep into those coffee bean colored eyes that I could get lost in. There is a haunting serenity about them, like an old abandoned house and you're the only person living there but you can feel the history dancing around you like ghosts from the past.

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