Chapter 34: Troublemaker

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"Who is it babe?" asked Jason

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"Who is it babe?" asked Jason

"My friend, Susan." you replied quickly.

"Didn't you two had a fight or something?"

"Yeah well she's asking me to take her back. I better go outside call her. Texts aren't such a good idea." you excused yourself.

Mark's friends were looking at you weird. Like they knew you were hiding something. 

You got out.

Your hands were shaking while typing.

You looked around the house and finally found the damn door

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You looked around the house and finally found the damn door.

"Come on in quickly." he whispered pulling you in.

"You won't tell me what to do." you resisted going in by yourself.

"Jesus what is it with you now?" he asked annoyed closing the door.

"N- nothing. What do you want?" you said acting like the bitch you had been to him in High School.

"Okay look. Things happened. We left them behind us--" he started calmly

"We left them behind us? You left them behind you. It broke my heart you know!" you screamed.

"Shush...I know,I know. And I said I'm sorry-" 

"Sorry can't fix a broken heart Mark.."

"Will you let me talk already?" he whisper-screamed losing his patience.


"We have to talk about everything. Again. But not here, not now. Now we have to make a plan of what we're gonna do so nobody gets suspicious."

You looked away. Mark grabbed your arms and came close to you.

You started crying.

Mark sat next to you and hugged you. "What happened?" he asked firmly.

"Don't touch me Mark.." you said pushing him away. "Really just don't."

"Oh come on.." he replied sort of offended.

"I can't let this go. You didn't deserve the chance I gave you. Now you have to pay the price." you threaded him.


As Wade, Ethan, Bob and Tyler were sitting in the living room with Jason talking Bob noticed something. 

"Hey Jason are you sure your girl is outside?" he asked.

Jason was sure. "Yeah, why?"

"Because she doesn't seem to appear somewhere out here." he continued.

Jason started to freak out. He got up and looked outside the glass doors. 

Everyone else got up and followed Jason as he was going out. 

You got out of Mark's room from the back door and left him alone trying to figure out a plan to stop you.

Walking to go in the house from the other entrance, you fell on your boyfriend at the corner. 

"Omg Jason you scared me!"

"What were you doing there?" he asked seriously.

"Um..I..There wasn't good signal here so I went there. Y'know..."

He checked his phone. "It seems to be having very good signal here..."

"Well my phone is different. Let's go inside now, shall we?"

"No." he said blocking you the way. "I demand to know what's happening."

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