Chapter 31: Next step?

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Jason got really excited and hugged you. "For real?" he asked happily.

"Of course!" you replied.

You spent the rest of the day sharing your thoughts and basically everything. 

Jason made you so happy. The glow in his eyes when he was laughing made you fly out of this world.

Every day was better than the other one thanks to him. You had finally found someone that loved you and most likely wouldn't break your heart.

"I love you." you whispered to him a night while cuddling and watching a movie at his house. Next day you woke up in his arms. He was sleeping peacefully. 

Your mind ran to Mark. When he was trying to talk to you.

"Mmm." you mumbled.

You got up and went to the kitchen to make coffee. 

"You woke up?" said Jason as you were making coffee. 

"Yeah, want coffee?"


When your coffees were ready you got them and went to Jason. 

"So (y/n)..." he started saying.

"Yes?" you asked with a big, bright, smile.

"Tomorrow is my brother's birthday and we're all going at my parents' house for dinner. I was wondering if you'd like to come. It would be a good chance for my family to meet you."

Wow...Did that mean he wanted to make the next step in your relationship? You didn't have a problem as you weren't ready or something but the next step was marriage and marriage meant responsibilities. You wanted to be free. If you got married you'd start feeling old and stuff. And you wanted to be a ten and do silly stuff. You couldn't go outside doing stupid things as a married woman.

"Y- yeah okay, sure." you answered trying to be believable.

"What? You don't want?" he said getting up.

"No, I know. I don't know if I'm ready for marriage yet.."

He chuckled. "Who talked about marriage? I'm not ready either."  he messed your hair playfully.

You breathed relieved. 

"So what time is the..'party'?" you asked.

"Well, we have to be there at 6:30 to help my mom with some preparations. But you can come later if you want. I'll go alone."

"No it's cool. I'll get to meet your family better if we stay together for longer, right?"

"Sure. You'll really like my brother."  he said putting his pants on.

"Mhm.." you replied taking a ship of your coffee.

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