I'm sorry Sans

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{Quick Authors Note}
NOTHING HAPPENED IN THE LAST CHAPTER YA DIRTY SINNERS. And the inspiration for this came from something that happened recently.. a friend of mine and me got into a fight and he said he doesn't want to be friends anymore. But it worked out in the end ^u^ Also I will begin writing in paragraphs instead of one big block. See you at the end beauties.~

{Frisk POV}
I woke up the next morning cuddled up to Sans' chest. His arms were a bony prison trapping me from leaving and I didn't want to wake him up. I decided to stay there watching him sleep for a few minutes. I noticed him shift a bit and his eyesockets open slightly. Oh so he's awake then.. this should be fun. I flipped over to the other side "accidentally" hitting him in the nose with my elbow. "Owwwww" he groaned and rubbed his nose where I hit it. I looked over my shoulder to see he was bleeding. Wow this skeleton can bleed? They really are magic but it's not normal blood.. it's a neon blue color. "Why the hell did you do that?" He snapped. Shit I made him mad...

He got up and stomped out of the room, 2 fingers clamped over his nose. I heard the faucet turn on in the restroom and what I assumed to be Sans, stomp down the stairs and slam the front door. (I'll explain why Sans got so mad at Frisk for hitting him in the nose." I threw the covers off my body and sprinted down the stairs, not even saying goodmorning to Pap, and burst out of the house.

I ran and ran until I reached Grillby's. I kicked the door open and frantically looked around. Sure enough Sans was there on his usual stool, having a chat with Grillby. I took a small step and realized that he was holding a beer bottle. My eyes shifted over to the pile of beers on the counter next to Sans. Oh no.. he's drinking. I rush over and slap the bottle out of his hands.

The room went silent..

All eyes were focused on me and Sans.

The creak of the chair sounded as he turned to face me in his chair.

"Go away." Sans practically yelled. "I don't want to see you."

Tears stung my eyes and I turned to run away.
I didn't know where I was going. But it was somewhere.

{Sans POV}
Uggggg.. I can't think straight. "Yeah what the hell are you doing buddy?" My shoulder angel said. "He's doing the right thing." My shoulder devil replied. What the fuuu- "You made her cry!" My shoulder angel spat at my shoulder devil. Alright I'm drunk enough to have the voices in my head fighting each other. "Uh how do I make you both leave my head?" I thought. They poofed away... thank god I think I'm finally losing it.

I snapped out of my head when Grillby shook me by the shoulders. "Dude it's closing time. You better go or else you have to pay your tab~" he said sing-songingly. NO NOT THE TAB HE DID NOT JUST GO THERE!

"Yeah no. Not today b*tch!" I yelled and teleported out of there. I ended up in waterfall by a lot of echo flowers. They all whispered "What did I do wrong? He didn't have to overreact like that."

I knew Frisk was here. I could feel her presence. And the fact that the echo flowers sound like her.

She had to be close by. I listened for her. I walked around until I found her, curled up into a ball of sobs. The guilt inside of me was enough to overcome the alchohol in my system.

I walked over and sat down beside her. I felt her scoot away. Great she's mad now. Guess I better start explaining why I overreacted. "Hey Frisk.. I guess you want me to explain what happened." I said softly, "you see.. a long time ago when Paps and me were baby bones, there was a different royal scientist. His name was W.D Gaster." I hesitated to tell her this next part but I said it anyway. "Gaster was our father, but he did terrible things. One day he took us into a spare room and-" My voice trailed off. Just remembering it chills me to the bone. "He grabbed us both by the noses and slammed us on the tables. Then we were strapped down with chains. Like animals..." I continued. "We were already bleeding so he took a syringe and plunged it inside our noses. A blue liquid coursed through our skeletal bodies. And it hurt like hell too." I said.

"I'm so sorry Sans.. I had no idea that happened to you guys." Frisk said wrapping her arms around me.

"Doesn't matter. What matters is we're okay now."

"It matters to me Sans."

"It's in the past now Frisk. Let's go back home and watch a movie with Pap."

I took her hand in mine and intertwined my fingers with hers. In a flash of blue, I teleported us home. Frisk walked over to the couch and plopped down. I sat down next to her and put my legs on her lap. She gave me a dirty look and shook her head, but didn't push my legs off.

Papyrus came down the stairs and sat down with us. Frisk put on The lady and the tramp. And Pap started singing to the music during the famous spaghetti kiss scene. We laughed hard and I smiled at Frisk.

Not a forced one. Not a fake one. A genuine happy smile.

When she smiled back I knew.

I loved everything about this woman. The way her hair moves when she walks. The way her eyes sparkle when she's excited. The way she bites her lip when she's nervous. I loved all of it.

This really was a perfect family.

{Le end of chapter}
Heyo beauties~ how was that for a chapter? And I also wanted to thank you guys so much for 120 reads! Honestly I didn't even think it would get to 30. I'm also thinking of starting another story. This time it's probably going to be an Asriel x Reader. Oops I've said too much.. aaaannyyway I'm going to leave now. Buh bye beautiesss~

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