The hitman of the mafia

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{Frisk POV}
This time I landed on a concrete floor. Wait I'm on the surface again? What the heck?
I heard footsteps coming my way. I looked around frantically and found a dumpster. I dived behind it and got into running position.
Someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey kid what's someone like you doing in this alley?" Said a deep voice. Sans!

"I uh... got lost?"

"Want me to take ya home?"

"Um no thanks I don't really have a home." Technically I didn't lie I have no idea where the heck I am.

"Then you wanna come with me?"

I nodded and took his hand. Electricity ran up my hand throughout my entire body. "Wow Sans that was very shocking."

He froze and stared at me. "Kid how do you know my name." Shit shit shit! Might as well tell the truth, as crazy as it sounds.
"Would you believe me if I said I come from another universe where I know a different version of you."

"Anythings possible." He took a cigar from his pocket and lit it. I guess you can say he's lit now. (I don't endorse drugs in any way. Don't do it kids.)  I frowned at him. "You know that's really not good for you. Wait you don't have lungs. It's bad for your teeth then."

He shrugged and blew a puff of smoke. "I think we should get outta here before the A.M.A gets here." What's that? Sans seemed to have read my mind. "The anti-monster association."

"Then what are you guys?"

"The royal guard."

I heard a gun shot. I saw the bullet heading towards Sans in slow motion. I pushed him out of the way and it hit me instead. A white hot pain shot through my shoulder. I screamed and fell down to my knees. Sans grabbed my hand and we teleported out of the alley into a messy bedroom. Sans put me on the bed and called for someone. My vision became blurry. I was fading in and out of consciousness. Someone ran into the room. I could only make out a little yellow blob mixed with red and white. I lost the battle and fell unconscious.

{Sans POV}
Shit the kid got shot. Why did she take the hit for me anyway? Alphys should take care of her.
Alphys came over to me.
"So doc what's her condition?"

"She still has the bullet in her shoulder but if we can successfully take it out she should be fine in a few days."

"Alright doc go work your magic."
I didn't even get her name. Eh kid suits her anyways.
Papyrus should be back from his mission with Undyne in about 5 minutes. I'll wait for him in the kitchen.

My walkie talkie rung.
"Bad time. Come in bad time."

"Bad time her. Over"

"Spaghetti master and I are being ambushed. This is the work of the A.M.A"

"I'm on my way Spear of Justice. What's the location."

"Back alley behind the M.T.T hotel."

I teleported over to the alley. I summoned my Gaster blasters. There were around a dozen men surrounding Papyrus and Undyne. I blasted the ones closer to Papyrus. Undyne speared the ones next to her. I summoned bones and finished off the last of them.

"Spaghetti master and spear of justice are you guys alright."

"Yeah we're okay."

I took their hands and teleported back to base.
I walked into my room. Alphys was sitting by the kid. She was still asleep but she had bandages around her shoulder. Damn Alphys works fast. "Ah there you are Sans. She will wake up in a few hours. Change her bandages every half hour and place an ice pack on it. Now if you will excuse me I have work to do."

She left the room and I sat by the kid's side.
She seemed to be having a nightmare. Her eyebrows furrowed and she whined. I put my hand on hers and she calmed down a bit. Her bandages were already bloody. I found the gauze and using my magic I switched out the bloody one for the new one then placed an ice pack on it.

{2 hours later & Frisk POV}
I opened my eyes and winced because of the pain in my shoulder. I looked around and saw Sans sleeping in a chair beside the bed. Just now I realized what he was wearing. He had a little suit on. He looked cute yet threatening in the suit. He opened an eyesocket.

"Ah so you're finally awake kiddo. Ya really gave me a shock there." He held up a buzzer in his hand.

"Haha Sans very funny." I rolled my eyes.

"Aw come on that was humerus."

"Didn't tickle my funny bone."

"Tibia honest it was very punny."

I laughed and shook my head. He pouted and laughed too. Somewhere in the distance we heard yelling and stamping feet. We both laughed even harder. I wiped a tear from my eye and tried to stand up but Sans pushed me back down.

"Don't force yourself you're still weak."

Weak huh? Don't know who he's talking about but it ain't me.

I stood up and walked to the door. I turned around and winked then left the room.

{Meanwhile back in undertale}
Where could she have gone? I don't understand how Chara could have been able to open the multiverse. Only me, Gaster and Alphys should know about it. She could be in any au.

I hope she's ok. She probably already figured out what happened is trying to get back right?
I can't lose someone else. My soul can't handle it. I pulled out my soul. Sure enough there's a crack through the middle. She was one of the only things keeping me in check. I might go insane or worse.

I pushed my soul back in. Papyrus still doesn't know about Frisk's disappearance. I might have to tell everyone else though. Well might as well get started. I pulled out my phone and texted Alphys that I had something I wanted to talk about. I snapped my fingers and teleported over to the lab. I will get you back Frisk.

{End of Chapter}
I just wanted to thank you guys again for all the reads on my silly little book. Also let me know if you have a particular au that you want me to do. Ciao beauties~

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