She's a cute one

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Soft snoring filled the room, like a melody but much more annoying. I turned the other way so I could sleep a bit more peacefully but no luck. Slowly I slid out of the couch and creeped into the kitchen. There was a bowl of spaghetti and a note beside the plate.



Taking a look at the spaghetti it didn't really look appetizing. It looked plastic with the gooey sauce with..glitter? It all looked like it was stuck together like a kindergartener's supposed masterpiece. It's not exactly the greatest but I'm happy he tried.

"Doesn't look too good does it?"

"No not really"

Now I kind of understand why he spends so much time at grillby's. The Papyrus in every timeline can't cook spaghetti. But I love the effort it's adorable.

Just like expected he motioned towards the door meaning we were going to grillby's.

I took the plate of spaghetti and dumped it in a flowerpot nearby and to my surprise the flower turned around.

"Really?! You stupid fool you had to throw this disgusting slop in my flowerpot?!?!"

Startled I jumped back a bit and picked up the flower. "Let me guess you must be flowey."

He looked at me with a weirded out expression. "How did you know that?!"

I shrugged and put him down. Sans had already gotten ahead of me. I took a ball of snow in my hands and threw it as hard as I could at his skull. The aim was perfect. He turned around and smirked at me. Oh it's on boneboy.

Using his magic he gathered a lot of snowballs and launched them at me. I shrieked and ran for cover when a snowball hit me directly in the butt. Sans was pretty much dying of laughter. I on the other hand wasn't too happy. My booty was now drenched in ice.

I chased him down all the way to grillby's before giving up and sitting down. I forgot that my booty was wet and now I got a cold chill.

For a second everything seemed normal. Then I remembered the real reason I was here. I had to get back home now.
Frowning a bit I looked at the breakfast menu. Going with the bacon I called grillby over to place my order.

Sans had been quiet the entire time. Maybe he was just catching his breath. I looked over but he wasn't there. I thought nothing of it and continued waiting for my food to arrive.
Shortly after Grillby brought our food Sans was back. You could tell by the look on his face that he was hoping I hadn't noticed he was gone. I played along and asked him if anything was wrong. He shook his head, relieved that I didn't mention it.

Quietly I finished my food (which was delicious btw) and paid for our food.
Sans didn't protest like I thought he would. Somethings definitely wrong.

"We should practice for that dance competition."

I nodded and left the restaurant with Sans. We teleported to a snowy hill. No one else here except us. Or so I thought.

A goat man stood before us. Asgore I thought.
"Frisk this is Asgore. He will be helping you learn to dance."

Since when are they on a first name basis?

"Hello child which dance style would you prefer to learn?"

I thought for a bit. There were a lot of dance styles. I decided on one that I had done as a kid. "Ballet."

And so went the training session. I woke up the faint memories I had when I was a kid and brought them into reality. I remember spinning on one foot and dropping down to the floor in the splits. That move always killed the crowd.

I practiced my old skills with Asgore until my legs burned with exhaustion. At least I was closer to home now. I sat on the grass and watched a breeze go through the grass. Everything was silent for a moment and we all enjoyed it. Asgore left and it was just me and Sans. He sat beside me and we watched the stars together. I wouldn't really have it any other way.

A few minutes passed by until those minutes turned into an hour. I stood up and so did Sans. "Guess we better head back.." he said. It looked like he was going to say something else but he was holding it back. I paid no attention to it and started heading back, looking at the sky one last time before going inside the house. The house smelled like cinnamon and burned pasta. It smelled like home, a motherly home. Toriel was probably here, someone must have told her there was someone staying here. My guess is Papyrus told her but maybe Sans did. I didn't mind, Toriel was a second mother to me even though I hadn't really known her very long. On cue the plates fell and shattered in the kitchen as we expected them to. Two people were talking in the kitchen. My guess was right, Toriel was here. She came out of the kitchen and looked at me. A smile formed on her mouth and she came over and shook my hand. I had forgotten that the monsters of this universe didn't know me yet.

She introduced herself and went into the kitchen and came back out holding a delicious looking pie. It was almost too pretty to cut into. Almost. We dug in the pie until there was only one slice. Papyrus and Toriel didn't want any. Me and Sans played Rock Paper Scissors to see who got the last slice. I won of course and Sans just moped around because he lost. The rest of the time went by smoothly, laughing and talking. What a perfect way to end the day.

{End of chapter}
SORRRYYYY THIS TOOK SO LONG. I'm not even gonna give an excuse just know I'm sorry and I'm working on the next chapter right now. Goodnight guys :)


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