First Injury

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{Frisk POV}
I guess I'll pick dare...I mean it's gonna happen one way or another. Might as well jump right in. "I pick dare...". Undyne smirked and called Mettaton and Alphys in for a huddle. They discussed what dare to give me and with each passing minute I was growing more anxious. Come on just give the dare and let me get done with it. "The council has decided. Frisk your punishm- I mean your dare is to put ketchup all over your face." That doesn't sound so bad. It could have been worse. "Hey Frisk that's not all. After you put the ketchup on you have to let Sans lick it off you" Undyne said with a smirk. "Fuhuhuhuh I can't wait to see this." I felt my face get flushed and I went over to get the ketchup. When I turned around Sans was already in front of me. "A dare is a dare..." he said sticking his toungue out. He looked bluer than ever in this moment. I put the ketchup on my face and Sans approached me. He started to lick my cheek and I blushed even more so that the ketchup's red color was put to shame. Now the only place left was my lips... Oh my gosh please no. He wasn't moving and he looked extremely flustered. Shit he looks adorable like that. Ya know what? Eff it. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me. I crashed my lips onto his teeth and his white pupils turned into heart shaped. I also knew everyone was staring but I didn't care. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his arms around my waist. I finally broke the kiss and ran into the living room almost knocking Undyne down.
{Sans POV}
Did that just happen? Frisk kissed me and I liked it... no I can't. She's human and I'm a monster. She probably doesn't like me and just did that for the sake of the dare. Yeah... I blushed so blue that I looked like a blueberry. I walked and sat on the opposite side of Frisk. She was blushing a light red still. Well she could like me but why would she? I'm just a lazy pile of bones. But at least I'm punny. "Sans? SANS!" Someone yelled but I was too absorbed in my thoughts to make out who said it. "Huh what I'm alive." I said to seemingly nobody. Everything came back into focus and I saw Frisk 3 inches away from my face. I jumped back and hit my skull on the wall making it crack a little. "OH MY GOSH SANS ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Frisk screamed and lunged forward to get a closer look. The crack was starting to grow a little and my vision got blurrier and blurrier until everything was all fuzzy. Dark shadows overtook the room and let it consume me too.
{Frisk POV}
Nonoononono this isn't happening. It's not real.. it can't be. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. This is all my fault and I'm going to fix it. I'm determined to. I took my sleeve and wiped my eyes and stood up. Alphys came and kneeled beside him. She put one hand (claw?) underneath his skull and lifted it up. "I think he'll b-be alright." The little yellow dinosaur explained." "It's j-just a little crack. N-nothing to worry about t-too much." We ended the night early after what just happened. I just hope he's really going to be okay... I closed my  eyes and drifted off to dream world. Wonder what crazy nightmare I'll have tonight.
{Le next morning (Still Frisk)}
"U-Undyne! I don't think y-you should do that!" What the hell is happening outside? Better go find out.. but first gimme five more minutes. I opened my eyes to be met with the sight of Sans across the room, sleeping as if nothing even happened last night. He looks adorable asleep. My eyes moved from his face to the spot where the crack is only to find it isn't there anymore. Weird I could have sworn it was still there. Well at least he's better now. I sat up and planted both feet on the floorboards. I stood up and a voice behind me spoke softly..almost seductively. "Leaving so soon beautiful?" I froze in my tracks and didn't even turn around. I just knew it was Sans because no one else has the teleportation. But maybe there was another reason. No one else can make my heart beat as fast as Sans can. The thoughts that were having a race inside my head stopped abruptly when two bony arms were placed on my hips. He pulled me back down onto the bed and made me lean against his rib cage. His arms then shifted to my waist and held me close. I felt him move behind me and put his skull on top of my head. Then he started playfully nibbling my ear. I guess that made my brain stop working and I let out a small moan. So small and faint you would need to have super hearing to hear it. Unless they were literally right behind you.. unfortunately. "Oh? Was that a moan I heard?~" Sans whispered. "Damn you Sans." I fumed and crossed my arms. "Come on you love it already." He whispered again. I turned around to face him. We locked eyes (and eyesockets) and held it there. I put my hand and caressed his cheekbone. Payback time mwahahah. Then I slapped him.. not too hard but enough for him to take as a warning. "Oww that was mean Frisky." He whined like a child. "Oh shut up Sansy." I muttered and stood up. I think the skull slamming thing must be getting to him. He's never acted like this. I trudged over to the door and slowly turned the knob. A knock came from the other side of the door. "Knock knock." Said the familiar voice of the shorter skeleton. Alright I'll play along. "Who's there?" I replied with a grin. "Can you handle this joke? I just adoor knock knock jokes." I rolled my eyes and swung the door open. "You abuse your teleportation power Sansy." I said patting his skull.
{Little author note}
Sorry for not updating in a while beauties. I've just been so busy studying and doing homework these past few weeks. Another reason is I don't really have any inspiration but I have someone in my life now. I might update more often now. That's it I guess. Sooooooo
Ciao my beauties~

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