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{Frisk POV}
The halls were silent as we walked through towards the machine. It was unnerving that nothing was making a sound except for our feet against the tiled floor. We stopped in front of a giant metal door. Alphys put a passcode in and the door slowly opened. A giant machine was in the center of the room. It had many parts and one table with a pillow attached to it. I glanced over at a small room in the left side.

"W-well Frisk you need t-to lay down on the table. E-everything will be a-alright."

I went over to the table and lied down. The pillow was surprisingly comfortable. Alphys and Sans went into the small room. Over the loudspeaker Alphys gave me the directions.

"J-just close your eyes and f-fall asleep."
I closed my eyes like she instructed. A gas filled the room. I could hear the whooshing sound but I didn't open my eyes.

The gas filled the room.

It smelled like flowers and honey. It was such a soothing smell. I was starting to fall asleep by now.

I stood alone in a dark place. No light to be seen. No sounds to be heard. I held my hands out in front of me. They were covered in dust.

"Smells like death doesn't it?" The child like voice was filled with malice. She's here again. She appeared in front of me with her blood covered self. Something was different this time. Her smile was smaller and her eyes seemed tired. Well as tired as they could look without actual eyes. "Your precious comedian is here. Might as well have some fun." She giggled and pulled out a knife from god knows where. Lazily she ran towards you with the knife. You dodged to the side. Hm she said Sans was here. Maybe that's what making her so weak. I can fight back. I balled my hands into a fist and ran towards the demon child. I gave her a swift punch to the jaw. She fell to the ground as I felt the shock travel up my arm from the force in which I punched her with. I stood over her form struggling to get up. I put my foot on her back, preventing her from standing.

"I'm tired of you messing with my life. Here I stand over you in victory. Take this as a chance to leave me the hell alone and go back to where you came from." I made my voice as threatening as I could. It seemed to work for a split second. She laughed and I was flung back. I landed on my butt and watched as she transformed into a creature s6traight from a horror movie.

Her body became bulky and her face was distorted. She looked like she came from a fight with a monster truck. And it won.
While I was busy staring at Chara something came from above and bonked my head.

Ouchie. I rubbed my head and picked up what had fallen. It was a container with a strange purple liquid with a note attached to it.

"Drink this to gain ultimate power. Use it to wipe Chara from all the timelines and your dreams. We're counting on you. ~the sansmaster and Alphys" I popped the lid off and drank the purple substance. A white hot pain coursed through my veins. Quickly it dissipated and I felt power beyond my imagination at my fingertips. I thought of blasting Chara out of the multiverse. No that would be reckless. How about making her relive her memories. Make her remember who she was. That's a good idea and I'm glad I thought of it.

I eased towards her and reached out. I touched her forehead and saw a purple mist surround us.
We were transported into her memories on the surface. I was in a village near the water. A little girl came out of a house. She had bruises and cuts all over her tiny body. My heartstrings tugged at me. She was crying and holding on to a faded teddy bear. The fur was matted and covered in fresh blood. It was missing an eye and the mouth string was undone halfway. She sprinted towards the forest. Out of the same house came out a pale lady with burgundy hair. It was frizzy and tangled. She chased after the little girl with a wooden spoon. Since the woman's legs were longer she caught up to the little girl and grabbed her arm causing her to drop her teddy. The lady dragged the little girl away. "TEDDY NO!" She screamed. She struggled to get away from her mother. The lady stopped in her tracks and raised the spoon high and brought it down onto the little girl's free arm. She shrieked and fell down to her knees. The lady tugged her up and dragged her back into the house. The memory ended there.
I needed to see more so I pressed on forward to a different memory.

The little girl was older now. Around 8 or 9 years old. She was in a carriage. Her eyes were cold and lifeless. Like her soul had given up and she was an empty shell of her former self. Silent tears streamed down her pale face. The weather matched her mood. Rainy and gloomy. The carriage hit a bump and she fell out into the mud.
Cursing she stood up and wiped her hands onto her skirt. The carriage was down the hill now. No one was even aware of the fact she had fallen out. Instead of trying to catch up to the carriage she went to a tree and climbed its wet branches. She sat on the highest branch and stared into nothing. She turned around and peeled bark off the trunk of the tree and sharpened it. She cut her skirt and made her long sleeve shirt a tank top. She fixed her long crimson hair into a messy bun and hopped down from the tree. She walked in the mud until she reached a small cave by the side of Mount Ebbot. Sitting down and curling into a ball she fell asleep. The memory ended and I stared at Chara's shivering form. She had transformed back into her normal creepy self. Her smile was gone and her eyes were back to human eyes. The last of the color drained from her face.
She rocked back and forth muttering "why" over and over again.

I kneeled down and wrapped my arms around her. She flinched but didn't move away. She cried into my shoulder and I let her cry. She then did something unexpected.

She hugged me back.

{End of chapter}
SHELLO I'M SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN WRITING. *cough* it's not like I was being lazy or anything *cough*

Yes I was being lazy I'm sorry I'll try to write more for the few that actually read this. Thanks for reading btw if you get to this part. Anyway ciao beauties~

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