The journey will be long but worth it

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{Frisk POV}
Sans and I walked in silence while I tried to ignore the glares coming from the other monsters. Sans seemed to be getting angrier by the minute. I looked away from all the rude staring and looked over to the river. I wonder if the river person is rude here too.

I looked over at Sans and just as I was about to say something I ran into something and fell back.

"WATCH IT HUMAN." Said..Papyrus?
I didn't have much time to think because I was lifted up into the air by my sweater. I wiggled around trying to get free but it was no use yet I kept trying anyway . "SANS WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WALKING AROUND WITH THIS HUMAN."

"I uh was just going to bring her to ya boss." Sans said nervously. Ouch, that was a shot to the heart. I stopped trying to get free.
Okay Frisk just try to make yourself look emotionless. I had a straight face on and stared into space. Wonder what "boss" is going to do to me. Maybe I can reset when I die. No I can't! I know the real Sans would hate me. We kept on walking until Papyrus dropped me into the snow. I sat up and spit out a mouthful of snow. I brushed my sweater off and stood up. You're doing great Frisk just keep the emotionless act up. A blizzard started up and was so powerful that I could only see the outline of Papyrus. Sans had disappeared. Left me on my own. I don't need him anyway.

*BATTLE BEGIN* (P=Papyrus, F=Frisk)
P: Bone attack
F: Mercy

P:Another bone attack
F: Hit (Hp 16)
F: Mercy

P:Yet another bone attack
F: Dodge
F: Act
F: Talk

"Papyrus anyone can be a good person if they try! I believe in you."

P: Attack
F: Hit (Critical hit Hp 1)
Frisk is knocked out.
*Battle end*
{Sans POV}
Boss knocked the kid out. I feel bad I can't help her. She really is something else.

Boss grabbed the kid and threw her over his  shoulder and went into our house. Eh I better not interrupt anything. I walked to grillby's and sat down on my usual chair and ordered the usual mustard bottle.

"Hey bone boy when are you going to pay your damn tab." Grillby growled at me.
I ignored him and started chugging my mustard. I finished the bottle and headed back home. Papyrus was in the kitchen making spaghetti and the kid was laying on the couch. She was still breathing thankfully. Papyrus walked out of the kitchen holding a plate of spaghetti. He sat down next to the kid and sat down next to her. She flinched and opened her eyes. She looked around and panicked when she saw Papyrus. I sat down next to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She calmed down a little. Papyrus offered her the plate while looking away. She accepted it and started eating. After the first bite she put it to the side. I chuckled a little but shut up when boss gave the death stare. I tapped the kid's shoulder and gave her the 'can we talk look'. She nodded and we went up to my room.

{Frisk POV}
Sans cleared his throat. Again how does he do that? "So you didn't kill my boss huh." 
I shook my head no. "You're lucky he decided to spare you..other monsters.. weren't so lucky." He hesitated at those last words.
It's hard to get over the fact that this is a version of our sweet little Papyrus. This papyrus isn't nearly as much of a cinnamon roll as my papyrus. How many other Papyruses and Sanses are there?

Sans looked over impatiently at me. "Well are you going to listen to me or what?" He rolled his eyes. "Sorry I was just thinking about how different your Papyrus is. Sans raised a bone brow. "My Papyrus? What the hell are you talking about kid."

"I'm not from this universe. Back where I'm from Papyrus is so sweet and innocent. And the Sans I know is kind and awesome and super cute and- OH MY GOSH DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD?" I screamed. Sans laughed, clutching his stomach. I blushed madly and put my hands over my face. After a while Sans stopped laughing at me. "I think we might have to talk to Alphy." Sans said taking my hand in his. We teleported to the lab. Huh this isn't much different than the lab at home. A little yellow lizard sat behind her desk like always. Only this version of Alphys looked more like a mad scientist. She noticed us and speed walked over.

"S-s what c-can I do for y-you guys?" Huh she still had that same stutter.

"Well my friend here is very homesick. But she's not from this universe so we need your help. One how did she even get here. And two how can we help her get back?" Sans said.

"Ah she has fallen through the AU's." Alphys said. "I have actually been researching this. It doesn't happen by accident. Someone had to create an opening big enough for you to fall into."

Chara. That little brat tricked me.

"Follow me I have just the thing to help you get back home."

We walked into a deeper part of the lab. She rummaged through some papers and pulled out a remote control looking device. She placed it into my hand. "This little baby will make a portal for you to walk into. It will take you to a random AU." 

"The bad part is it only works inside of a lab. So in all the AU's you have to make it to the lab in order for it to work. And it'll drop you off in front of the ruins."

Then I guess I better start heading off. I gave Sans a hug and then gave Alphys a hug. "Tell Papyrus I said goodbye."

I pressed the button and the portal opened up. I took a deep breath and walked into it.
Time to see the next AU.

{End of chapter}
OHMYGOSH WE MADE IT TO 500 READS. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING. And tell me how you guys feel about having to travel through the au's.
And if you want you guys can vote for which au you want to see next. (I didn't really know that much about underfell so I just winged it haha)

Ciao beauties~

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