Start of a beautiful friendship

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{Frisk POV}
Where am I? And why does it smell like ketchup? I looked around and tried to figure out where I was. Then I felt two boney arms wrapped around my waist. I tried to break free but they just tightened around me. After struggling to be free for a few minutes I gave up and closed my eyes. "SANS WAKE UP I HAVE COOKED YOU YOUR SPAGHETT" Someone said from outside. Footsteps were coming closer and closer to the door. The doorknob turned and the door swung open. Another skeleton stood at the doorway. This skeleton was taller and had a red scarf around their neck. "I SEE SANS BROUGHT A FRIEND HOME." They said. "I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS WHAT'S YOUR NAME FRIEND OF SANS?"Papyrus said. "My name is Frisk.." I said. Sans shifted behind me and said "Goodmorning Paps. Sorry I was bone-tired." I laughed at his pun but Papyrus wasn't having any of it. "SANS AGAIN WITH THE PUNS. STOP RUINING MY MORNINGS WITH THEM." "Heh sorry bro I can't help that I'm such a punny guy." He winked at Paps. I looked over at Paps and he jumped out the window. I rushed over and looked out of the broken window. "ARE YOU OKAY PAPS?" I yelled from the second floor. "He's fine. Don't worry bout it." Sans said. "Hey you said your name is Frisk right?". I nodded at him and went downstairs. "OH HUMAN WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRY SOME OF MY FAMOUS SPAGHETTI?" Paps asked while giving me a goofy smile. "Sure Paps." I pulled up a chair and sat down. A noise escaped from where my butt was. I stood up and saw Sans holding his laughter in. In the chair Sans put a whoopee cushion. I laughed and so did Sans. We laughed until we cried. Paps came out of the kitchen with 3 plates of spaghetti, one was on his head and he was holding the other 2. Me and Sans looked at Paps and burst out laughing. Paps put the plates down and laughed with us. When we calmed down enough to actually eat the spaghetti Sans picked up a piece of paper and wrote something on it. He passed the note to me and it said "Paps isn't very good at cooking. Don't eat the spaghetti. I'll take ya to Grillby's instead ." I wrote ok on the back and passed it  back to Sans. There was a knock on the door. "I'LL GET IT." Paps said and jumped out of the chair. "Hey kid give me your plate."Sans said. I passed him my plate and he teleported it to the dump. He teleported the plate back just as Papyrus came back into the kitchen with a fish lady. "OH HUMAN YOU HAVEN'T MET UNDYNE YET." Paps exclaimed. But Undyne looked at me and walked over. She grabbed me by the neck and held me up. "I'm gonna take you to Asgore and he will use your soul to shatter the barrier." Undyne growled at me. Tears started forming in my eyes. Who is Asgore? And my soul? Was this Asgore monster going to kill me? Thinking about it the tears rolled down my cheeks and fell to the floor. Sans and Papyrus were shocked. Sans eye sockets went wide and Papyrus' mouth was open. I tried to say help me but the sound came out as a squeak. I looked and felt weak. Then Sans snapped out of it and used his magic to release me from Undyne's grip. I crawled over to him and buried my face in his shirt. "Thank you.." I muttered. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING????" Sans yelled at Undyne. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? SHE'S A HUMAN AND THE KEY TO OUR FREEDOM." Undyne yelled back which just made me cry even more. "SHE'S DIFFERENT AND IF YOU HURT HER YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A B A D T I M E."He yelled. He closed his eyes and opened them again. In his left eye socket there was a neon blue glow coming out of it. I backed away and ran out of the house tears still falling. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care either. All I know is that I needed to get away.
{Sans POV}
I was filled with rage. I awakened my powers. But worst of all...I scared Frisk. She ran out crying and it's all my fault. "I'll deal with you later." I told Undyne. I then told Pap to have a talk with Undyne and explain that Frisk is a friend not an enemy. I teleported outside and looked around for Frisk. Where is she? And would she come back easily? My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of crying coming from the forest. It got louder and louder as I walked deeper into the forest. There sitting on a log surrounded by golden flowers... was Frisk. She was singing a song. Wow... her voice is beautiful just like her. Wait what? Did I just call her beautiful? She finished her song and she saw me. Her eyes widened and she asked "H-how much did you hear?". "I heard enough to know you have a beautiful voice." I said quietly. She blushed a light red and hid her face. "Aww come on don't hide that pretty face of yours from me." I said and I felt my face get hot. I sat down on the log next to her. "I'm such a coward. Instead of facing her I ran away..."she said. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her in for a hug. It was awkward at first but she hugged back. We sat there for a few seconds and then pulled away. "Come on let's go back. And I promise I won't let anyone hurt you." I whispered in her ear. I took her hand in mine and we stood up and walked out of the forest. "Hey Sans..." Frisk said stopping. I stopped too. "What's wro-" I started to say but I was interrupted by Frisk kissing my cheek...bone. My face instantly turned blue. "W-what was that?" I said blushing an even deeper blue. She smiled and simply said "A thank you."

Well hello my beauties. I hope you're happy about that last scene ;)
So yeh I really don't have anything to say
Ciao my beauties~ *floats away*

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