Won't you dance with me?

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{Frisk POV}
A cloud of snow appeared when I fell onto a pile of snow. I sat up and dusted myself off. I'm in the underground again? I looked around and spotted grillbys. Loud music and cheers came from the closed doors. Curious I went to investigate. A crowd was gathered around a familiar skeleton and another monster. This Sans was doing a hip hop type dance and the other was dancing bachata. I felt the beat pulsing through my body. I felt like going up to them and joining them.

The bass dropped and Sans did the splits as the song ended. The crowd went crazy, erupting with cheers and whistles. I saw the tall figure I could recognize as Papyrus. He gave Sans a high five and disappeared into the crowd of monsters. Slowly monsters began to exit Grillby's as it was almost closing time. All except for one that is. There sat in his usual chair, the skeleton I had grown to admire. He chugged his ketchup bottle and signaled to Grillby for another one. I sat down on the stool next to him.

"That was a pretty good performance you did just now. I've never heard a crowd clap louder than that."

"Thanks kid I've been doin' this for a while."

Grillby came back with a bottle, a basket of fries and a hamburger, setting it down on the wooden countertop. Sans picked it up and turned to me. "Say kid what's your name?"

"It's Frisk." I said pushing my food closer to me.

He nodded as if to say cool. "My name is Sans, Sans the skeleton."

The deja vu was real. I could remember this exact same scene back at home. Which I still needed to get to. Sneaking a quick glance at him before pulling out a handful of coins to pay for the meal.

Grillby shook his head and motioned to Sans. I guess he was putting my stuff on his tab today. I popped a fry in my mouth before dumping the rest of them in my mouth.
Sans got up and started leaving.

"Wait!" He slowly turned around to look at me. "Can you help me?"

He thunk for a moment before shrugging his shoulders. "I need to see Alphys."
He looked a little surprised when I said Alphys' name. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well Alphys is busy nowadays, no one has seen her outside of her lab for weeks. But there might be a way.."

I looked up hopefully at him. "Uh however there's a price you have to pay. You have to win the dance competition to get backstage passes to Mettaton's new show. Alphys has to be back there somewhere."

I had an internal battle with myself. Should I risk it and go for it or just find another way?
I decided to do it. "Great so the competition is in pairs and I was just happening to be looking for a partner. Won't you dance with me onstage?"

I nodded my head slowly while Sans got up to join me on the way out. Grillby rolled his eyes and I watched him add the cost to the tab along with all the others. Jeez his bill must be really high. With a knowing smile from Grillby we exited the small restaurant. The snowflakes fell peacefully to the ground. Each one was different. Just like Sans. They were the same person yet different. I couldn't explain it in words.

We walked in silence, enjoying each other's company while it lasted. Up ahead their house came into view. The twinkling Christmas lights made it easy to tell. He opened the door for me and I stepped inside the extremely familiar house. Everything was exactly the same. Pots and pans clattered in the kitchen signaling that Papyrus was up to his usual stuff. Sans didn't seem to care as it was normal. He plopped down on the couch and lazily flipped through the channels. Of course they all consisted of cringey mettaton movies with really bad acting, just don't tell Papyrus.

Seeming satisfied with the one that was on he put the remote down and patted the seat next to him. Making myself comfortable by laying back on the couch, I slowly drifted in and out of consciousness. Falling asleep to the sounds of Mettaton's horrible screeching I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep on Sans' shoulder.

{Sans POV}
Something about this kid makes her seem so familiar yet I can't put my finger on it. It's like a distant memory, pushed to the back of your mind but it's starting to come back. I feel like I know her from another life. It just feels right.

Too busy thinking I didn't realize that she had fallen asleep on my shoulder until I heard a soft snore. I smiled internally and gently placed her down on the couch cushion. I ran upstairs to grab a blanket and threw it over her small figure. She accepted it and snuggled closer to the blanket. Just like a child.

I went upstairs to Papyrus' bedroom to read him his favorite bedtime story. Finishing the book Papyrus had fallen asleep and I was about to. I dragged myself back downstairs and made myself a little bed on the floor next to the kid. I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

Tomorrow we're gonna have to practice our routine.

{End of chapter}
If I'm gonna be completely honest I forgot about Wattpad until someone commented to update. They know who they are :).

So much stuff has been happening and it's been crazy with all the hurricanes. (My family lives in Puerto Rico and they're suffering from Maria right now)

Anyways I'm soooo so sorry for not updating sooner :(

Ciao xx

Underground Lovers {A Frisk x Sans Story}Where stories live. Discover now