Tourney game performance

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Mali, Evan, and Louie stood on the stands with the rest of the Auradon prep student body. The announcer of the game's voice blared through the speakers.

"This is a nail biter, folks. There's forty-seven seconds left on the clock. We're all tied up. The Sherwood Falcons, '2.' Fighting knight's, '2'. What a game between Aurdon's fiercest rivals!"

Chloe went out onto the field after water filling her water. The couch called one of the players back in a turned to Jac, "You're up."

Jac, didn't respond. Her gears were turning inside her head, finally she spoke up, "Coach, how about my girl here?" She put her arms around Cassie, hoisting her up.

Cassie paled, scrambling out of Jac's grip. "Oh, no!" she sat back down on the bench.

The coach shook her head, unsure. "Oh, no. Not so sure about that."

"Coach, she's been practicing," Jac protested, pulling Cassie back up.

"Jac..." Cassie said, trying to get her to stop.

"And you said yourself that a team is made up bunch of parts."

"Jac, I'm not that good."

"Oh, I won't say that, Cassie." They turned to see You walking toward the three. "You been practicing with Bell for so long and I think you can do, don't you say coach." You looked at the coach for an answer.

Jac nodded her head, "See even Ms. (F/N) agree. She's kind of like my brain," She added.

The coach considered the option before nodding, and handing Cassie a tourney stick. "You heard her, get out there!"

"Don't worry, sis." Jac said. "I got your back."

"How about my front?" Jac scoff, as she lightly hit her on the head.

"Don't worry Cassie, Jac got you just trust her okay, you will do great!" You called, as you watch them run to their teammates.

The boys cheered as Cassie walked onto the field with Jac. The team broke from their huddle and took their appointed stances. The ball was normally being passed from Jac to Bell, and even Cassie doing occasional blocking.

They went in for a goal, but the Falcon's goalkeeper blocked it. Now 23 second lefts, the team had time for one more play.

Jac caught the ball, and ran down the field as far as she could, before passing it to Bell, who set it into the scoring the winning goal.

The entire Auradon student body cheered, well aside from Mali, who were holding his hands over his ears.

"Here they come, folks." the announcer said into the microphone. "The winners of the first tourn..."

He never finished because Bell had taken the microphone from the man.

"Excuse me? Excuse me. Can I have your attention, please?"

Everybody became silent, looking at the soon-to-be-Queen with curiosity. Bell stepped up onto the disc shooter post. "There's something I'd like to say!" She hesitated for a moment, looking at her peers. "Give me a M!" She put her both of her hands up over her head in an arched manner.

"M!" The student and you put their hands like this.

"Give me an A!" Bell brought both her hands sharply to the side, and spread her legs.

"A!" the student repeated her actions.

"Give me an L!" She put her arms out at a ninety-degree angle.

"L!" Everybody did the same.

"Give me an I!" She put both of her arm straight down, then standing tall.

"I!" They copied.

"What does that spell?!"

"Mali!?" Everyone shouted confused.

"Come on, I can't hear you!"

"Mali!?" The student yelled again, more confident this time.

"I love you Mali! Did I mention that?"

The boys turned and bump shoulder at Mali, with giant smirked on their faces.

"Give me a beat!" Bell shouted.

Over in the marching band section Dorothy shouted, "Uno, Dos, Tres, Quarto!"

"What was in that cookie?" Mali asked, mainly to Evan. Evan clasped his hands together and simply laughing over Bell's serenade to Mali.

Bell stopped in front of Mali panting hard from all the dancing. Mali gazed down at her, holding her jersey close to his chest. She leaned in to kiss him, but Mali quickly put the jersey in between them. She swung her arm around his waist pulling him close.

"I love you, Mali! Did I mention that?" She said, stilling into the mike.

Andrew strutted up into the bleachers and stripped the microphone from Bell's hands. He put his arm around Chloe. "Chloe's my girlfriend now! And I'm going to the coronation with her. So I don't need your pity date." He leaned, and kissed Chloe full on the lips. Evan quickly looked away, and tapped his foot trying to keep himself calm. (F/N) looked up to see him about to cry, You walk pass all the student to go up to place a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw You next to him giving him a comforting smile.

Bell grabbed the mike back quickly, "Mali! Will go to the coronation with me?"

Mali smiled, taking the mike from her, "Yes!"

"He said 'yes!'" She cheered, excitedly. Jac walked up into the stands, and brought Bell back down, where the rest of the team was waiting.

Evan watched sadly as Chloe and Andrew walked away from the field together. Mali looked over to see both of them contently watching the couple.

"I feel really sorry for Andrew." Mali began.

"You do?" Evan asked.

(F/N) nodded in agreement. "Of course. I feel that if he were talented like you, and knew how to sew and knew beauty tips, that he wouldn't need a princess to make his feel better about himself."

Evan smiled genuinely at Mali. "I guess I am kind of talented."

Mali laughed, "You are definitely gifted."

"Thanks Mali and you too Miss (F/N)." You nodded your head.

The boys watch as Bell and Cassie hoist up Jac, who was holding the Tourney trophy, with the rest of the team.

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