We're not our parents

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In the coronation hall, Mali stood in the shocked audiences as he watched Jace, who taken the wand from his father, spinning around in an unsteady, looping circle, as the wand blew sparks and huffed white clouds of magic.

"Child, what are you doing!" You cried, looking frightened.

"If you won't make me handsome, I'll do it myself!" Jace exclaimed to his father, as he struggling to keep a hold on the sputtering wand. "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" He spun in circles, spraying white sparkled sparks everywhere.

The crowd moved backwards, trying to protect themselves from the erratic spray of magic.

Mali rushed forward, and tried to wrestle the wand out of Jace's grasp. "Careful, Mali!" You exclaimed. Mali pulled the wand away from Jace and held it in his hand, high in the air. The crowd gasped.

The three descendants rushed off the balcony.

Bell and (F/N) stood in front of Mali, looking uneasy. Mali looked like a cornered, scaring animal.

"Mali," The new Queen said calmly, "Give me the wand."

"Stand back!" Mali shouted. The door opened and Jac, Cassie, and Evan ran onto the floor.

"It's Okay." You tried to tell Mali, but Mali yelled again. "Mrs. (F/N), I said stand back!"

"I told you so!" Andrew shouted. Mali pointed the wand at Andrew and the prince jumped back.

Three of the descendants stood behind Mali. "Let's go!" Cassie said. 

Jac reminded him. "Revenge time."

"You really want to do this?" Bell asked.

"We have no choice, Bell!" Mali said. "Our parents-"

"Your parents made their choices!" Bell interrupt him.

"Now you make yours." You said, looking at them.

Mali started at you like he couldn't believe the words you'd just said. He looked at Beast and Beaull, who watched him carefully, but without scornful judgement. He looked at Fairy Godfather, who watched with worry and sadness. "...I think I want to be good." Mali said, softly.

"You are good!" Bell said.

"How do you know that?!" Mali asked, looking stressed.

"Because...because I'm listening to my heart." Bell replied.

Mali took those words in for a moment before saying, "I want to listen my heart, too." He turned around to face his friends. "And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents." 

Mali laughed as he look at Jac, "I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy!" He said to Jac. "Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy!" Jac nodded and smiled.

"Yeah!" A girl in the back hall yelled.

"And you," Mali said to Cassie. "Scratching Dude's belly makes you happy, who wouldn't thought!" Cassie nodded.

Mali looked at Evan. "And Evan...you do not have to play dumb to get a girl! You are so smart." Evan nodded his head, smiling.

"And I don't want to take over the world with evil." Mali admitted. "It doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school! And be with Bell." The princess looked surprised.

"Because Bell makes me really happy!" Mali said, showing her the golden ring on his finger. Mali turned back to his friends. "Us being friends make me really happy." He said to his friends.

"Not destroying things." Mali said. "I choose good, you guys!" Mali said, putting his hand in the middle. (F/N) covered her mouth, smiling at them.

For a moment, no one joined Mali, and his smiled faded. Then (F/N) placed her hand in, smiling and looking at Mali with love and kindness in her eyes. Mali was happy with that.

Jac put her hand in. "I choose good, too." She said.

Evan was next. "I choose good."

The four looked at the last member of the group not choosing a side. Cassie just looked confused. "So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be?" She asked. 

Everyone laughed. "Cause they're gonna be really, really mad." Cassie continued.

"Your parent can't reach you here." Bell promised.

"Okay then." Cassie put her hand in the middle. "Good."

Mali laughed and then looked at Bell, nodding for her to join the group. Bell smiled and put her hand in the center. Mali pulled her next to him, looking happy. The crowd applauded.

Then, there was a sound of glass shattering and the crowd gasped and jumped. One of the stained glass windows had exploded and a bolt of green smoke flew into the hall. It curled around a few columns and then hit the floor, exploding and the re-forming into the Mister of all Evil.

"I'm baaack!" Maleficent yelled, throwing his arms in the air. 

You gasped, your eyes flashed green with a hit of purple, when you heard his voice. 

"Maleficent?" You whispered.

Descendants Genderbend x Black Mother ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now