Video Conference

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"Children, excuse me." (F/N) called out, excitedly during their Remedial Goodness class. The four teenagers directed their attention up toward You. "Um, as you know, uh, this Sunday is family day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to, uh, distance, we've arranged for a special treat." Fairy Godfather and (F/N) walked back to the front of the room where a large monitor was set up and hit a button. A video of their parents came up on the screen, Maleficent right against the camera lenses.

"I don't see anything, nor do I hear." He said, sitting back down with the rest of the villains.

"Kids!" You gestured them over, the four descendant rose from their seats and made their way over to the monitor.

"Is it...Is it...Is..." Maleficent said, shaking the laptop on their end of the conference. "Can I please see a remote!?" He started fumbling with the buttons. "I hate electrons." Finally he hit the right one and the other end of the video came on.

"Evan, it's Daddy." The Evil King exclaimed waving to his son who waved back with an embarrassed smile on his face. "Look how handsome. You know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree." He said proudly.

"Don't you mean the weed?" Maleficent asked, fanning his hand to get the EK's hand of his horns.

"Ooh! Who's the old bat and that woman next to him?" Crue asked pointing to Fairy Godfather and (F/N) through the screen.

"This is Fairy Godfather and Miss (F/N)," Mali informed them.

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Maleficent teased, causing the other villains to laugh.

You frowned through your veil, "My brother turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage."

"Oh really, he really couldn't give Cinderfella till 1 A.M. ?" he continued. "I mean, really. What, the hamsters have to be back on their little wheels?"

"They were mice!" Fairy Godfather protested. He looked back at the descendants. "They were mice!" The four nodded and he went to the side. 

"They were mice." he whispered one last time to the camera with You comforting him.

"Hi dad," Mali greeted.

"Mail!" Maleficent screeched through the camera, causing the four and You to jump a bit. "I m-m-m." EK hit him on the back of the head. "Miss you."

"You children are never far from our thoughts," Jaffa piped up.

"How long must your father wait to see you?" Maleficent asked Mali in his sincere voice.

"Um, there's a big coronation coming up. I think sometime probably after...that." Mali answered.

"When?" he asked.

"Friday," Mail replied. "10 A.M."

"You sure I can't see you before that?" Maleficent asked sweetly. "I don't know what I'll do if I don't get my hands on that little nugget that I love so much." The rest of the parents mimicked his action. Faking thing like 'miss you' and 'sending you my love.'

(F/N) look at them with sorrow and sadness in her heart knowing their faking it.

Mali nodded. "Yes, I completely understand, father."

"Cassie!" Crue nearly yelled, putting his head right up and close with the camera. "Is that a dog?" Dude, who Cassie was holding close to her, whimpered. "Oh, yes, baby." Crue said talking to his stuffed dog. "I do understand. It would make the perfect size for earmuffs." He laughed.

Cassie stepped closer to the camera. "He's the perfect size for a pet," She retorted. "This dog love me and I love him. And FYI your dog is stuffed!" Crue shrunk back. "So give it a rest!" Jac pulled Cassie back from the monitor.

(F/N) send a warm smiled to her, who send one back.

Jaffa laughed, "Oh-ho! Burn!"

"Oh! Why don't you go sella toaster, you two bit saleswoman!" Crue yelled at her in rage.

"People who talk to stuffed animals shouldn't throw stones!" Jaffa rebutted.

"Oh, well, people who sell toaster shouldn't used mixed metaphors!" Crue shouted back.

"Enough!" You yelled, shutting the monitor off and taking a deep breath before looking at the four in front You with sad and disappointed looks on each on their faces.

Fairy Godfather frowned. His big surprise had not only been a failure but had just reminded the kids that their parents were exactly the same as when they left. "I'm so sorry," He apologized.

"Thank you for the special treat," Jac said.

"Of course," He said.

Mali was the first to turn his back and grab his bag as the rest did the same. Evan came up behind him. "M?" He looked back at him. "What do you think our parents are gonna do to us. If we don't pull this off?"

Mali think for a second, "I think they will be quietly disappointed in us, but ultimately...proud of us for doing our best."

"Really?" Cassie asked, a bit surprised.

He shook his head. "No, I think we are definitely goners." The others looked down, knowing Mali was right. They had to pull this off. They just had to.


You looked at where the four teenagers were, feeling bad on how their parents treated them especially Mali. You don't know why but you feel bad for him the most, like you want to hug him until he cry out his feelings to you.

You looked back at the monitor felling like you know Maleficent from somewhere, like the two of you have an connected with each other. You shook your head getting that thought out of your head.

'Why do I feel like I know him, like did I have an connected with him." (F/N) sigh and walk out of the classroom with your brother be your side.

[Hey guys sorry I haven't been writing I was just being lazy and working on my school work. So here it is enjoy]

Descendants Genderbend x Black Mother ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now