This is what we always wanted, right?

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"Okay, we all know what this look like," Mali gestured to the drawing of the magic wand on the table. "So it'll be up on the dais, under the Beast's spell jar. And we'll be coming in from the here," He moved his finger from one side of the map to the other. "I'll be in the very front, you all will be up in the balcony."

"Okay," They said. 

"Cassie?" He asked, looking for her part of the plan.

"Okay, so I'll find our limo, so we can break the barrier, and, uh, get back on the island with the wand." She explained.

"Perfect. Evan?" Mali called, holding up a bottle of what looked to be perfume. "You will use this to take out the driver. Two sprays and she'll be out like a light." Evan looked from the bottle to Mali and back to the bottle before nodding. "Okay," He whispered.

Everyone nodded before going back to themselves. Mali sat down on the table, looking over a page in the spell book. He had a privately discussed on how he felt about the love potion earlier and agreed it would be best to reverse it.

Evan looked down at the spell and noticed what page he was on. "M? You want to break Bell's love spell?"

Mali looked at Evan not sure exactly what to sat. "Yeah," He said. "You know, for after." Evan sat down at the table with Mali.

He signed. "I've just been thinking, you know, when the villains finally do invade Auradon, and began to loot and kick everyone out of their castle and imprison their leaders and destroy all that good and beautiful, Bell still being in love with me just seem a little extra...cruel." He explained.

Evan gave Mali a sad look, feeling like they meant to be together. Mali closed his spell book and got up from his seat, walking away from Evan. "M?" He called. but Mali ignored him.

Jac got out of her bed and stand up for a second before turning to her trophy that she win in the tourney game. Thinking about what she told her mother about 'there is no 'I' in team' what's going to happen next for them when they reached the island.

Cassie was laying on her bed with Dude next to her, she turn to her side to pet him. Thinking about what will happen if she brought Dude with her to the island, what will her father do to him or to her as well.

Evan was in his dorm room, laying on his bed. He open his drawer and pulled out his chemistry test. Thinking about how he doesn't need his beauty to win girls hearts but he can do that with his smarts.

Mali was in the kitchen, whipping a batch of cupcakes for Bell's love spell. As he was stirring the batter, he sang a little sang.

'A million thought
In my head
Should I let my heart
Keep listening
I know it's time
to say goodbye
So hard to let go'

A single tear ran down his face and into the batter. Once Mali was crying, he didn't heard the kitchen door open. A person walked right next to him, placing a hand on top of his. He turned to the left to see (F/N) giving him a sad smile. He looked at you with shocked and confused on his face as to why you are here.

(F/N) pulled Mali into a warm comforting hug, he was shock at first but slowly lifted up his arm to hug you back. He crying softly on your shoulder while you whispered sweet comforting words inside his ear. After a few minutes of comforted, they broke apart from each other giving each other small smile. (F/N) dried away Mali tears as he chucked.

"Are you alright." You asked, squeezing his shoulders.

He nodded, "Yeah I'm okay." Drying some more tear that have escape from his eyes. "What do you called that thing you just did?" He asked.

"A hug, dear? Why your mother never hug you before, or maybe your father perhaps." You said.

Mali shook his head, "My mother passed away when I was born, My father told me an arrow went through her in the chest. He was heartbroken when it happen, but he told me amazing stories about her and how she was amazing at what she did." He said, letting more tear came out his eyes. "Even though I didn't even know what she looks like or heard what she sound like, she will always be in my heart." He said, placing his hand on his heart.

(F/N) cried a little, but gave him another smile, "That's true dear, she will always be in your heart no matter what happens to you or the other, okay." She said.

He nodded, taking a deep breath before letting it out.

"Now then, why don't you finished up making your cupcakes and go straight to bed, okay?" (F/N) asked. He nodded again and smile. "Good." She said, letting go of Mali and walking to the kitchen door, not before giving Mali another smile and leaving.

[What's up everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful summer and enjoying life today. So as you can see here is another update to the stories, enjoy and check out my another stories if you like. Bye have a great day or summer]

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