Chapter 16: Galloping Away Into Mount Olympus

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At this point it was undeniable.

Juliet had feelings for Charlie.

She came to realization right after Nova left their dorm, when her mind immediately hopped to Charles. How she immediately wished he was there. How she wished she had gotten a sweet remark from him today.

And how her distressed friend faded away from her thoughts and they were flooded with dark curly hair and a sweet smile.

And how her distressed friend faded away from her thoughts and they were flooded with dark curly hair and a sweet smile

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Nova's POV:

It was Tuesday. I walked with Juliet to P.E, she had been silent the whole day, we both had. I didn't even feel like going to the pep rally and watch a bunch of cheerleaders (who's captain wants to murder me) wiggle their pon-pons and their butts around.

We walked into the locker room and began unlocking our lockers when Ashley came by looking smug as ever. She walked outside to P.E with Melanie. 

I raised my eyebrow and  threw on my shirt, everyone was already outside so I rushed out of the locker rooms.  When I got outside, everyone was staring at me, Ashley and her friends giggled. I looked down at how I was dressed:

Same black tennis shoes, same red shorts with-

Ah I see. It seems that the putty brained idiots cut holes through my shit revealing my blue sports bra.

"Wow. Zero points for originality, this is straight from Mean girls" Ashley rolled her eyes at me.

I tried to act as cool as Regina George had, but this was the real world and there was a pack of horny teenage boys right across the field and an angry P.E coach handing out pushups like they were candy. 

For a moment I froze, not knowing what to do, and the smug look on Ashley's face grew even more pronounced.

I didn't have my other shirt because it shrunk in the laundry so I was pretty screwed. I stomped over to the end of the field were I would've been less visible. I got Juliet to follow behind me.

"Nova what in the world is up with you? You din't rip her eyelids out" Juliet said trying to lighten the moon, but she herself did not sound cheerful either.

I was not up for anything today, emotionally I mean. Ever since the party I had many reminders of a part of my past that I would love to forget...the text I had received yesterday did not help at all. I normally tried to keep a strong attitude, I harley ever cracked. But something this stupid and immature had been enough to make a little dent in my armor.

I heard footsteps on the grass, me and Juliet both looked up to see Liam running toward us.

He stared down at my shirt and snorted. I gave him the worst glare I could manage, and he threw his arms up in defeat. His playful look left his handsome features and they turned into a serious one. He seemed to think twice about it and looked back up with a whole different expression.

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