Chapter for these dear readers and writers, go check them out. Thanks for the support. AuthourX -authoris __Zophie__ tranquilstars
________________________________"Why do they feed me a jiggling blob?" Nova complained as she plopped down on the table in the cafeteria, it was raining outside. Juliet sat next to her munching on her granola bar.
"You know this whole thing with Carlie has me thinking" Nova started.
"Oh no" Juliet sighed
"No no! This is good just listen" Nova urged at her swinging her feet on the empty chair next to her. "I mean how sucky is that huh? That she just pretends be friends with everyone just to write smack about them on a website!" She said biting her blueberry muffin.
"This is worst than gossip girl!" Nova's eyes where wide as Juliet chuckled at her rant
"You know I feel like Serena when they all found out that gossip girl was-" Juliet threw a grape at her before she could finish her sentence
"Don't tell me who she is!"
"Oh right, sorry. The point is, I feel betrayed" Nova's eyes darkened now, remembering how she had been betrayed before, by numerous people. She was snapped out of her daze when someone poked her legs. She looked up and saw Theo's blonde hair, his eye were tired but when he met Nova's eyes but he flashed a bright smile.
"Where were you?" Juliet snapped, his smile faltered. They had a little stare contest, him gazing pleadingly at her and her glaring at him. Juliet sighed.
"You've got to stop Theo, look at how tired you look" She said, her face tinting with concern. Nova raised an eyebrow, she didn't want to be nosy and ask them although she was itching to. She wondered what was going on with him.
Theo wasn't a bad guy, he got into some trouble sometimes but nothing not normal for a teenage guy. When Nova spent a month in the summer staying over with Juliet in Connecticut she had hung out with Theo, but he was almost always gone and came back late at night, she never wanted to intrude and ask him, Juliet seemed pretty sensitive about it also.
"She doesn't know?" Theo asked, Nova looked up at him.
"No" Juliet replied flatly. Theo sighed "Juliet you spend all your time with her you ought to tell her"
"It's not my business to tell" she replied
"Or do you just not want to tell her?" Theo pressed, he was somewhat right. Juliet didn't often like to tell Nova about her financial struggles, even though she knew that they were friends...deep inside she didn't want to seem less in Nova's eyes.
"Fine I don't care! tell her" Juliet said then turned away, chewing on her salad. Theo groaned, and turned to Nova who looked lost as ever.
"The thing is, I work as much as I can to help pay for certain expenses. Sometimes after school, the weekends, anytime I can really" Juliet glanced at them but turned back to her food.
"Oh I didn't know" she didn't really know what to say "Where?" she asked after a while, he quickly looked up at her, his eyebrows raised.
"Oh um at a bakery in town, it was the only place where they would hire me" He said grinning up at her, his head resting on his hand with his shoulder on the table.
Juliet remained quiet for the rest of the time, quietly chewing and taking sips from her water bottle.
"Pst" Theo caught Nova's attention, she turned her head toward him and he quickly glanced at Juliet "Are you going to the party tonight?" he asked.

Roman pour Adolescents"We shouldn't be doing this" I stared deep into his beautiful eyes, anxiously expecting someone to turn the corner in the hallway and catch us. "But we are, and you want to. I want you" he said closing the gap between us as I brushed my finger a...