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"Don't touch me!" I screech flinging myself away from Bellatrix. "I don't want to go!"

We both flinch at the sound of glass breaking upstairs. 

"Look Isabella," Bellatrix sneers. "The quicker you go up. The quicker you can come back down. The longer you keep him waiting the worse it will get."

I know she's right. The Dark Lord hates waiting. "Were you just trying to help me Bella #2?" I tease following her out into the huge dinning room.

Bellatrix scoffs and rolls her eyes. "One day Bella#2 your gonna miss me." I say letting out a big laugh before being placed at the table.

"Good Afternoon, Isabella." The Dark Lord says grabbing my hand that I foolishly left on the top of the table. I pull it away from him and put it under the table. I revive a glare but I couldn't care less.

"Today we celebrate my beautiful wife to be , Isabella." I fling my head up shocked. When I finally realize what's happening I look straight at Bellatrix.

She has the most sympathetic look on her face I've ever seen a death eater have. As I look down the table at all the rest of the lowlifes I realize almost all of them have that look. They all know I'm screwed.

"Five years ago Isabella was welcomed into our family with open arms. We all instantly liked her, myself very much included." His smooth voice sending a shiver down my spine. My hearts screaming for me to scream out something against our marriage. But everyone knows you don't speak until spoken too. That's how Linkin died. And left me alone down in that miserable cell.

We are given our food which under the circumstances you'd think I would be able to eat. Yet seeing as it's been ten days since I last saw a crumb I had no problem with that.

I truly couldn't believe this was happening. What did I ever do to deserve this? Why me?

Was The Dark Lord doing this to provoke Harry? Or just to shake the wizarding world? Would people truly think I would willingly be with him?

As I'm sitting here with all my thoughts blocking out everyone else at the table my eyes wander up and I catch the gaze of the most brilliant pair of silver eyes.

I hear The Dark Lord start to speak and I listen but not once do I take my eyes off of these silver eyes and not once do they leave mine.

"I'm very glad to announce that Isabella and I will be trying to conceive a child very soon. A heir to my throne." I feel the bile rise in my mouth. The pit in my stomach drops like a boulder shaking my whole body.

"No no no no No NO!" I scream banging my hands on the table. I get up from the table and The Dark Lord grabs my arm. I roughly rip my arm from his grasp. He stands and starts to walk towards me and I panic.

I grab the wand of the death eater standing near me and call out the first spell that comes to my mind.

"Crucio!" I shout. The Dark Lord looks surprised. Everyone else laughs until the slowly start to see the leader stumble then fall to the ground.

Tons words echo in my head when he first introduced this spell to me. "The spell won't do anything if you don't truly mean it."

With all the anger in my body I put all I have into concentrating on this spell. I see The Dark Lord loose conciseness and I turn to the person I took the wand from, Lucious Malfoy. The proud owner of the place I've lived for the past five years.

I start casting spells left and right disarming wizards and witches all alike. Soon a spell battle has broken out and I knew I was weak and couldn't handle all these death eaters on my own. But I sure as hell am not going down without a fight.

Greyback sends me a spell at the same time as Bellatrix and I know I won't be able to block them both. I choose to block Bellatrix  knowing at least Greyback would be stupid enough to kill me. Bellatrix would severely injure me and leave me to the mercy of The Dark Lord. I'd rather die.

I embrace for impact when I hear someone shouting a blocking spell. I look over to see a boy with light blonde hair around my age.

The boy fights with me until the end alongside Severus Snape. Who's been my only friend in this hell hole.

The only person still conscious is Bellatrix at the end. "How did you defeat The Dark Lord? How did you a dirty blood traitor defeat the strongest wizard to ever live?"

The blonde boy speaks for me. His hair hangs in his face as he laughs.

"You truly doubted her? For gods sake she's Isabella Potter."

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