I Meet Draco Malfoy

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I look into a pair of very familiar silver eyes. "Potter." He says showing mme that sarcastic smirk that I was looking forward to never seeing again.

"What are doing here?" I say rather rudely. I rip my arm out of his hand.

"The better question is what are you doing here. Could you be any more of an idiot? Out here in broad daylight. Would you like to return to Malfoy Manor because I'm sure The Dark Lord would be very happy to have you back." He says with a sarcastic smile I would love to hex right off his face.

He runs his hand down the sleeve of my sweatshirt. "It's very hot outside. Why would you wear a sweatshirt in the dead heat of summer? Maybe to cover up something?" He says gripping me very tightly right where it is.

I grip the same place on his. "You know exactly what I'm trying to hide because you're doing it too." He flings his arm out of my grip.

"And you know what, why do you even care if I end up back there? That's right you don't so stop pretending you do." I say trying to leave but he presses his body up against mine so my back is against a wall. I try to squirm out and he grips my arm even tighter.

"Don't tell me what I do and don't care about. You don't know me." He says coldly. I feel his heartbeat throughout my entire body.

"You're right. I don't know you. So why did you help me? I'm sure your not daft enough to think he won't kill you if he finds out. You should have just left me with him. Now your in danger." His eyes turned softer.

"I've always been in danger. And I stand by my decision to help you and I will stand by it until I die." His serious tone throws me off. His attitude change left me speechless. We stood there just looking at each other because I didn't know what to say.

"Your eyes" he says breaking the silence. "Their so beautiful. Indescribable green." I feel his heartbeat pick up and his breathing quicken until I hear a very angry Harry.

"Get away from her Malfoy!" He yells coming into the Alleyway with his wand pointed at the blonde boy.

I see Ron and Hermione soon followed. "Malfoy?" I say questioningly.

"Draco?" I hear a mans voice from inside the building. The blonde takes off his jacket and forces me into it. He puts his hat on my head and turns me around to face Harry.

"If you know what's good for you and your sister you'll lower your wand and move so he doesn't see you." He says to my brother. Harry lowers his wand and gives me a questioning look but moves anyway.

"Father." I hear the blonde say.

"What are you doing out here Draco?" I hear a voice I recognize as Lucius Malfoy. This must be Lucius son. Draco Malfoy.

"I saw umm." I hear Draco stutter then quickly reply. "Lilly. She's in my year. Ravenclaw." My mother's name ringing in my ears.

"Why is she wearing your jacket?" Lucius asks I can hear him walk closer.

"She's rather sick father. She's very cold. I will catch up with you." Draco replies. I will give him the credit for being a quick thinker and liar. He puts his hands on my shoulders and rubs them up and down my arms pretending to warm them up.

"You better see that you do." Lucius answers harshly. Draco's grip on my arms tightens at his fathers voice and I feel bad for him. I hear the door shut and let out the breath I was holding in.

"What were you thinking Potter!" Draco yells at Harry. "Bringing her out especially in this part of the town. Your going to get her bloody killed."

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