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I'm soon asleep with him.
I wake up to find Malfoy just staring at me.

"Goodmorning," I say with a bit of a tone questioning why he's looking at me.

"Morning." He smirks.

"Why the smirk?" I ask moving to face him more.

"Well, I mean waking up with a beautiful girl in my bed every morning can make a man smile in the rainiest of weather." I try to hide my smile and get out of his bed.

"Well don't get used to it Malfoy. Next time you're on your own." I fake scold him going to my closet.

"Ouch. You wound me deeply." He replies. I roll my eyes and run into the bathroom locking the door. I get dressed and walk out of the bathroom. Malfoy runs into the bathroom while I get my books together and we are ready to leave.

"Oh by the way Malfoy," I say turning the corridor with him by my side. He looks at me his face forms a confused look at my smirk. "Have fun with Snape." I say running off in the opposite direction.

Malfoy looks forward to see Snape walking in his direction. I leave Malfoy to the big bad wolf and go find Harry.

I see them all sitting at the table together eating breakfast. I walk over and take a seat next to Hermione.

I sit down and look to see all the Gryffindor glaring at me which is unusual. The Gryffindors and I get along quite well.

"Did you have fun last night?" Harry hisses at me.

"What do you mean?" I say taken back by his attacking tone.

"Studying with Malfoy? Bloody hell Isabella how could you do it with Malfoy?!"

"Harry what are you even talking about? Dumbledore assigned me Malfoy as my tutor." He rolls his eyes. What is wrong with this boy?

"You fucked Malfoy last night or did you already forget?" Harry sneers. I kick him underneath the table.

"Shit Harry I don't think America could hear you could you say it a little louder?" I whisper yell at him. "And I'll let you know not that it is any of you're business that I most certainly did not do anything of the sort."

"I told you Harry." Ron says elbowing my brother in the shoulder.

"Harry you really thought?" Hermione says flabbergasted.

Harry sits silent.

"You are turning into a Slytherin more and more each day. Look at yourself. Look at all the destruction you've caused. The lies you've started. The hurt you've inflicted on others for no reason but to benefit yourself." Harry says. Everyone looks confused and Harry glares at me.

"I know what happened. Pansy told me you would do this and I told her you were better than it. I guess I was wrong!" Harry shouts.

"Since when do you believe Pansy over me?" I shout back.

"We are friends now." Harry sad flatly.

"You're fucking with me aren't you." I tell him. I don't ask because that gives him a choice.

Harry doesn't look away.

"Harry Potter! You can't possibly!" I yell. I feel an arm around my waist pull me towards a warm body.

"She's a far better person than you. At least she's not a dirty whore."

Malfoy jumps at him but I push myself between them after Malfoy gets one hit in.

Hermione gasps and looks at Harry with a murderous look.

"Clearly you don't love me. If you loved me you never would have even thought that." I feel my emotions almost take over. I push them down when I hear him start to apologize.

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