I hate Draco Malfoy

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I see Bella's eyes change and I know the curse had worn off. She quickly falls asleep in my lap and I her coat over her Incase she got cold. We stay like that the rest of the ride.
Bella's POV

I wake up and smell the most amazing thing in the world. I push my face closer to the scent and smile.

"Bella" I hear a voice say i feel a warmth on my arms and snuggle even closer.

I quickly sit up and I find myself looking into the silver eyes of the famous Draco Malfoy. Shit.

"Why is my coat off?" I ask looking down at my bare skin on my legs. For some reason I'm in my skirt which I wore a coat over for a reason. It was awfully short and my body is definitely not one you want wearing anything short since my little visit to Malfoy Manor.

"You took it off before you fell asleep." Malfoy says looking down at my legs and quickly looking away. Of course Malfoy wouldn't want to look at me.

"Well will you give it here?" I ask trying to pull on my skirt making it cover more. My efforts were definitely in vain.

"And why would I do that?" Malfoy says putting my coat behind his back. I see his famous smirk has reappeared.

"Stop messing and give it here." I say trying to grab at it. He laughs and pushes my hand away.

"Oh but I'm enjoying this."

"Give it to me Malfoy! Before someone sees!" I beg.

"Why? It's not like they haven't seen a girl in a skirt before. Don't be a prude." He sneers.

"Well no one wants to see a ugly stick figure in a short skirt Malfoy so stop making fun of me and save me the embarrassment." I say. He lets his guard down and I grab my coat out of his hand and put it on.

"That's not what I meant." Malfoy says softly trying to grab my arm but at that point I'm already out the door.

I roll my luggage right into Hermione on accident. "There you are! You guys left me alone! I had to sit with Malfoy and the other two idiots!" I yell.

"Don't tell Harry you were with them. He'd go mad." She says shushing me. We meet up with Harry and Ron and go to the carts to take us to the castle.

We all climb in and then just my luck more people climb in. Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy glare at my brother and friends.

I got the pleasure of sitting right between Harry and Malfoy.

"Bella." Malfoy repeats over and over. "Bella don't act like a child. Talk to me."

"Leave her alone Malfoy. She clearly doesn't want to talk to you." Harry says.

"And how do you know what she wants?" Malfoy shoots daggers at Harry.

"She's made it pretty clear." Hermione adds. I see Malfoy get ready to retort and I know exactly what he's going to say.

"Don't you talk to me like that you"

"Draco Malfoy!" I cut him off. "If I ever hear you say that awful word again I swear to Merlin you will regret it!" Malfoy stops and looks in his lap.

"Wow she speaks." Goyle sneers.

"Oh shut it, nobody fucking asked you." I say glaring at him.

"Be careful Potter. Remember what happened last time you talked back." Crabbe adds with a smirk. I give him a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I ask. They look at Malfoy and immediately look into their laps.

"What do they mean Malfoy?" Harry says standing up.  I stay seated confused.

"Nothing." Malfoy whispers nervously playing with the wand in his hands.

I think to my coat in our compartment and how they were gone. "How did my coat come off Malfoy?" I ask loudly.

No answers. I hear Hermione gasp and my brothers fist clench.

"Draco, look at me." I say using my hand to move his hair out of his face.

He looks up at me and I feel like my lungs don't have enough air no matter how much I breathe in.

"I didn't let them I swear!" Malfoy says grabbing my arm when I go to face away from him. "Bella I stopped it I would never let anything happen to you!"

"You touched my sister!" Harry yells pointing his wand at Malfoy.

"No I would never!" Malfoy says looking directly at me. Even horndog Malfoy didn't want to be with me. Not that I would ever be with him. I hated Draco Malfoy.

"Bella that's not what I meant!" He says trying to grab me again.

"No Draco you made yourself very clear." I say trying not to sound as hurt as I really was. I don't even know why I'm hurt. I should be happy.

"Who would touch such a nasty girl? Look at the scars. She probably begged the Dark Lord to fuck her." Crabbe says. Even coming from people I hate it hurts. I jump at him but not before I watch Malfoy put his wand to Crabbe's throat.


"Malfoy what are you doing?" Harry yells. It's as if a switch went off in Malfoy's mind. He put his wand down and without another word left the carriage.

Confused as hell we eventually all followed.

"Did Malfoy almost just use an unforgivable curse because Crabbe insulted you?" Ron asks trying to make sense of what happened.

"Ronald Weasley!" I hear a man say. A familiar man. We all turn around to see none other than Severus.

"Isabella" he whispers. He pulls me around the corner into a empty corridor and hugs me.

Harry comes running around the corner and stops. He stands there watching Severus hug me. Severus pulls away and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"I was so worried! Are you okay?" He asks looking me over.

"Severus stop it!" I laugh. "I'm fine I'm so happy to see you." I hug him once again. When Severus sees Harry he turns cold.

"Snooping are you Potter? Ten points from gryfindor!" He shouts. He walks me out back to Hermione and Ron. Leaving a stunned Harry stumbling behind.

"Mr.Weasley is to escort Miss.P" he had always had a hard time saying Potter. Does he truly hate my family name that much."Miss.Potter to the headmaster immediately."

"And Isabella" Severus says his expression growing softer. "Directly after dinner please report to my office. Mr.Malfoy has already agreed to take you there." Before I can even get a word in he's gone.

"Welp Ron lead the way." I say not wanting to talk to Harry about what just happened.

"Iz, he hugged you." Harry says not letting me escape. "He's a death eater!"

"Shhh!" I say covering his mouth as he began to get rather loud. "Technically so am I." I say softly and I let Ron lead the way.

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