To Much Fighting

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I run until I can't anymore and I lay down in the snow. The cold feels nice against my skin. I lay there thinking about what a bloody prick Malfoy is until I can't feel my limbs anymore. I fall asleep long before I can do anything about it though.
"Isabella!" Isabella wake up!" I hear Harry yelling. I try to open my eyes but I just can't.

"I bet you Malfoy kicked her out, damn him." I hear Ron say. I listen to the carts moving and random crying and realize I must be in the hospital wing.

Footsteps become louder and louder and heavy breathing come near my bed.

"How could you kick her out Malfoy it's freezing outside! Are you trying to kill her!" I hear Ron scream.

"I didn't kick her out. She left. We had an argument and she stormed out. I calmed down then went to look for her. I've been searching for her since last night but I couldn't find her." Malfoy's drained voice fills my head. He sounds tired and scared.

"You probably couldn't find her because by the time you looked she was completely covered in snow. Almost blended into the ground." I hear Severus say. His voice cold and harsh.

"If she struggles one bit Malfoy I know who I can blame." Harry adds coldly.

"Blame yourself. She was in a bad mood because of you." Malfoy says. I feel warmth on my hand.

"I don't care who's responsible. All I know is if she isn't awake before my class I will see that the person who is gets a visit." Severus hisses before I can hear him walk away.

"Malfoy keep your hands off my unconscious sister." I hear Harry say. The warmth in my hand leaves me and I start to move.

"Draco" I say grabbing his hand back and rolling over. When the warmth is back in my hand I fall asleep.

I wake up later with Malfoy sitting in a chair next to me asleep. I'm quiet not to wake him and I slowly get up. I look as Malfoy shivers and I go grab him a blanket. I unfold the blanket and make sure it covers every part of him and crawl back into bed. Once I'm in I turn and end up looking Malfoy straight in the eyes. He looks tired.

"Thank you." He says. I nod my head and look away. I try not to think about him. I'm still angry. How dare he call me a dirty blood. I steal a glance over at him and make eye contact again. I lay down and turn over putting my back to him.

"How did I end up in the hospital wing?" I ask quietly.

"You almost froze to death." Malfoy grumbles. He even sounds tired.

"You should go." I try listening to see if he would leave but it doesn't sound like it.

"I'm not leaving until you can walk out next to me." He says putting a hand on the back of my shoulder.

"Don't pretend like you care." I say ripping myself out of his reach.

"Of course I care." Malfoy stands up and so do I. I start to walk out of the hospital wing. "Isabella please."

"No. You call me Potter. I call you Malfoy. You pick on me for being a halfblood. I pick on you for trying to impress your father all the time. We aren't doing this 'Isabella and Draco being nice shit'. I can't take it anymore."

"What about The Dark Lords request?"

"Screw him. Nobody fucking cares what Tom wants. Especially not me." I say stomping out. I'm walking down the corridor when I knock into literally nothing. I fall onto the floor and when I look up I see just a floating head. Harry's floating head.

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