Everyone Loves A Good Fist Fight

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"I know it's you"

"What?" He says rather loudly with his mouth hanging open.

"You heard me." I respond with a bit of sass. I like having the upper hand. I smirk watching his confusion.

"I know how Tom works. He sends the person closest to spy. You can tell him I said hello if you'd like. I'm doing quite well." As the words come leave my mouth I feel powerful. I defeated the Dark Lord. I did it. Not famous Harry or Dumbledore. Me.

"Well aren't you just cocky." He sneers with a little smirk.

"Maybe a little?" I laugh.

"It's good to see you confident." He says. I give him a questioning look. "I respect people with a soul like yours."

I smile at him. I see his smile but focus on his eyes. I remember sitting next to Tom. The other death eaters gathered a around the table but I didn't pay them a glance. Maybe it's because I knew he was going to help me.

"You're thinking about the meeting." Malfoy states as fact more than a question. I shake my head yes.

"I was too." He said. We fall into a comfortable silence until class was over.

We head out of class and Malfoy grabs my arm. "Our room at 6."

"I'll be there." I say. "Or maybe I won't." And with a laugh I run away.

"Potter!" Malfoy shouts after me. I am hear the humor in his voice. I can envision the smirk.

I run all the way to the dining hall and see Ron. He smiles at me and I go sit next to him.

"How's Harry?"

"Looking for you." Ron smiles.

We sit and eat while a very upset Harry walks into the hall. He sees me and smiles. I smile back.

Harry sits next to me and puts an arm around me. "You're bloody mad you know that?"

"I know," I say laughing. We all sit laughing for a long time. We eat and then I remember I have to meet Malfoy.

"I've got to get going. Study time." I say standing up. I start walking when Ron catches up with me.

"Hey, I'll walk you." He says smiling. I smile back. "How are you feeling? Finally being at Hogwarts must be exciting."

"It's been really cool. I'm really excited for this year." I say with a big smile.

"I don't know if I mentioned it but it's really nice to have you home. I missed you." His serious tone makes my cheeks flush.

"I missed you too." I say pulling him into a hug. Sudenly the door swings open and im ripped from Ron.

"Get inside before your snogging makes me sick." Malfoy says. I wave to Ron as Malfoy slams the door.

"What is your issue?" I face Malfoy as he takes out a book.

"You're late."He replies not looking at me.

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